Backyard and neighbor
This is from a while ago and will be in a few parts.
The other day I was walking down the north side of our house along the side yard toward the back when I heard my neighbor's side patio door open. The fence is 6' yet I could see that the top of the door was open and assumed he would be out back somewhere. There was something I wanted to ask him about. There is a step up near the back of our yard for about 6' until the gate to the alley is reached. At the step up the fence is around 5.5'on our side yet not on his as there is no change in grade. It is a good place to talk over the fence. As usual I was nude and had been gardening and did not want to go find my shorts and get dressed just to speak with him so I figured it would just look like I was shirtless speaking over the short part of the fence. I figured he was some where in the back and if I could get his attention I'd just ask my question and that would be it. As I reached the back yard and took the step up toward the short part of the fence I noticed the top of his head right next to me just on the other side. I started getting that sort of titillating feeling of exposure being so close as there are a couple of spaces in the fence panels where someone close could see through.
He was looking at something around his back fence and didn't notice me until I popped my head over to speak with him. We kind of startled each other as he didn't hear me approach and as I looked over the fence I noticed he was shirtless as well and clad only in a loose sarong that looked like it was about to fall off.
He has been working from home during the shut down and said he was just out to get his 15 minutes of sun. I'm sure now that he was working nude in the house and just threw the sarong on to go outside. I think he felt a bit awkward at me seeing him dressed like that and I was a bit flustered myself as I didn't quite know how to put him at ease and tell him I was nude anyway. I'm not very good at thinking on my feet. I wanted to say something yet could only say it was nice he could work from home and be so comfortable. He agreed and laid back in a chair pulling the sarong up so that just his crotch was covered and I went back to my gardening.
He has a younger girlfriend who I've seen getting out of her car rather scantily clad in some sort of sarong a couple of times and if I take some garden veggies over at times she answers the door in a robe. I guess we have nudist neighbors. The next time I run into him, I'm going to suggest we declare each others property clothing optional and just assume that if one of us is out back that we are nude and no reason to cover up outside for each other.
Anyone have a similar experience or have any ideas how to bring the subject up?
I bet your glad that he doesn't mind you being nude and no more hiding from him. You will have to ask him and his girlfriend over for a late night dip in the pool to cool off. Maybe they might even do it nude. If I met my neighbor and he saw me nude I sure would take him up on a nude swim.
I've thought about inviting them over for a swim. Tim travels a lot for work and his gf is home there alone. I don't always see him or know when he is home and would feel awkward just asking his gf.
A few weeks ago I was working on my pool filter next to our mutual fence, cleaning the catrtridge and nude of course. I heard Tina talking with someone that sounded like some serviceman. I knew Tim was gone and it sounded like they were getting a bid on some work on the house.
A few minutes later as I finished my work and turned around, I heard my name called and looked up to see Tina half way up a ladder leaned up against their house. She said hi and we made small talk for a minute and I went back to the yard. A week or so after that Tim was home and I ran into them out front one evening We talked a bit and as we parted Tina said something that she says every time we part and I never caught the meaning yet this time as they were walking away she turned and with a wry smile and a wink said "Always nice to see you." I'm going to have to pay more attention to Tim's home schedule and invite them over this summer.
That's great that he doesn't mind you being nude. I think things are going to go much better now and he may tell you that he goes nude also. I know that his girlfriend likes that you do go nude. You have broken the ice between both now and might take you up on a nude swim.
I was sunbathing nude on my deck today, beautiful day-70 degrees. my neighbor lady saw me standing up and said hi.and said are you sunbathing, I said yes.She next said are you naked? I said can you see me,she said no but was guessing. My deck is enclosed so she can't see me. I said yes, I don't like to wear clothes and want that allover tan.She said she doesn't have a problem with it as she used to tan naked and go to nude beaches when they lived in So. California. How about that.
my yard has no privacy fence as my yard slopes down so i planted leyland cypress and some other trees years ago and it's pretty secluded except for the gap between branches but i wander most of it nude except for one section in the very back that refuses to cooperate lol. the other day i was out back dragging the water hose around and heard my neighbor car running for quite a long time i figured she was cooling it off with the a/c before going out when i got closer over by the tree line she was sitting in her car i'm sure she could see me as i could see her , a few weeks back she had brought some of my mail to the door and i'm always nude at home so not the first she has seen me and as of yet we haven't discussed me being nude. behind i have new neighbors i'm not sure if they have seen me nude or not as i've yet to talk or wave at a distance.
I'm fortunate that where I live in New Hampshire, my property is surrounded by trees and is quite secluded. I often sit out in the sun nude. I also get to wash my cars while nude. As all of you know, it feels so good being nude and feeling the warmth of the sun on my naked body. I just wish that I had company to share in this joy.
I have divulged to a few friends that I enjoy nudity. While at the apartments, my friend's mom was visiting her. They were walking around the complex and peered up to my place. My friend pointe to my place and said that was my friend. They looked in to my bedroom and saw me. (They were on the ground, and I was up on the third floor so not straight in.) They saw me. My friend said I looked shirtless. The mom said that it looked like I was more than shirtless. Smart moms!
Good morning everyone.
Well its been about 3 months in our new home in southern Arizona USA. We owned a home in downtown Phoenix. I had built a wooden fence around my backyard. Then naturally the neighbor behind added a second story to their house. I was always naked in my backyard because of my fence. So I know they seen me. Because I seen them in the second floor windows. I did not care if they were looking. They added the second floor ! But I did add a few plants around the hot tub so we could enjoy it.
We even had nudist friends over one night and were sitting around the fire pit relaxing . Well we had left the front door unlocked and our new side neighbors heard we were outside in the back yard. Well they came over ! Surprise ! lol Would you believe they were okay with the nudity. But my friends got nervous and put clothes back on. I stayed nude ! My back yard. Lol To bad that my friends got nervous and left soon after. Thats was a easy way to let them know that we are nudists.
Now that we have a new home and still have no curtains on any of the windows . I am sure we have been seen, but we try to keep lighting off. Well anyway I put my cargo trailer on the side yard. I had told that neighbor that I was moving the trailer there. He said something about the view was going to change. Hmmm maybe he had seen in side windows. Marie and I are both nude all the time. During the day when I go out back, I never put clothes on and our neighbors could see me if they wanted. The fence has spots to see through, ohh well something to work on later. I have enough to work to do to worry about it later. So I am going back and forth to my basement work shop and then back in the house naked a lot. Lucky no one is behind us, just on the sides.
We are in town but on a acre of land. The house is set back a little more then the other home in Phoenix was. So we sit out front to watch the sun set naked ever day. I only have been out front farther naked to the street once. That was to see the space station passing over in the night sky. And I wanted to see what other people were seeing in our windows.
I hope our very conservative neighbors are starting to talk to each other about us. lol We are going to all their activities together. Concert in the park , breakfast, pool party. and yes we are dressed for all their events. But maybe the word is out that we are nudists. They all seem happy that we moved in. So maybe we are lucky again.