
Hey there,they shaved my bush off because of surgery and I hated it.
i felt naked without my man bush .
Seemed to take ages to grow back.

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Distressing to read that. How long ago was this? Beautiful bush I see in your photos. Hope all evidence of your masculinity is restored.

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Had to do the same thing, but it quickly grew back and in time for the summer season.

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Mine is already thinning with age. I feel like if I were to shave, it would come back even thinner.

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Nearly 60 years ago, I was a patient in a GU ward at the age of 18 and noticed that other patients were being shaved for surgery. I remember that I was more worried about the prospect of losing my evidence of adulthood than of an operation. In the end, I did not need surgery and therefore retained my pubic hair.

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After I had surgery down there, a hernia on my right side, I was only shaved on that side. It looked like bozo the clown had a bad hair day. I shaved it all off and its all back. Hair rocks!

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After I had surgery down there, a hernia on my right side, I was only shaved on that side. It looked like bozo the clown had a bad hair day. I shaved it all off and its all back. Hair rocks!

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thirty years ago I was asked to shave for a hernia op. I did so, and so liked the result that I have been hair free ever since

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