Nudism and Religion -- Nothing to Hide

The Bible says: My body is good, my body is fearfully and wonderfully made, and my body is the temple of the set-apart spirit.

At no time ever, does the Bible say anything remotely or tangentially like, my body is shameful, indecent, needs to be kept hidden, objectionable, inappropriate, dirty, or bad.

Every part of my body is good.

I neither designed nor made my body; I have cause for neither pride nor shame. My body is simply my body.

If I cover or hide my body because I believe there is something bad or shameful about it, then I might as well spit in my creator's face.

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RE:Nudism and Religion -- Nothing to Hide

The naked body has nothing to hide, but what does it have to carry? Is it completely innocent and innocuous?
And they were both naked, the man and the woman, and they were not ashamed. ~ Genesis

Or is potentially a vessel of shame and fear?
The human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve intact itssplendorand beauty, for such nakedness is not to be equated with physical shamelessness. The human body is not in itself shameful. Shamelessness - like shame and modesty - is a function of the interior of a person. ~ Pope John Paul II

Somehow Paul's Epistles make a strong detour from innocence of the body to the pain of the thorn in the flesh.
Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin. ~ Romans

This dismissal of the body as a vessel of truth and light creates an vacuum whereby twisted, alternative truth can be created.
The Puritan often will brood on how horrid it is to be nude. The absence of clothing he views with such loathing that the naked truth strikes him as lewd. ~ D. R. Benson

This darkness completely transforms the naked body from something beautiful to perverse.
I am sure no other civilization, not even the Romans, has showed such a vast proportion of ignominious and degraded nudity, and ugly, squalid dirty sex. Because no other civilization has driven sex into the underworld, and nudity to the W.C. ~ D. H. Lawrence

Yet the choice is still ours. However religion can be twisted against us, and get us to twist against each other and ourselves, the path of choosing love and light in spirit and body is our freedom and privilege.
Love, which is the fruit and the sign of the Spirits indwelling, is the proper clothing of man; only when love has become both his inner and outer clothing is man trulywell dressed. ~ Christopher Bryant

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RE:Nudism and Religion -- Nothing to Hide

Great references to help prove that there is truely nothing to hide. We were created nude and God said it was good. God did not cover Adam and Eve, but instead they covered themselves out of shame for thier action and sin. David danced and worship God often and was a great leader. Surely if God dissapproved then David would not have had so much success.

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RE:Nudism and Religion -- Nothing to Hide

According to the Bible, David was a man after 's own heart.

He danced (essentially nude) in front of everyone. He didn't get into trouble for it, but his wife got into trouble for having a problem with it.

Bathsheba did not get into trouble for bathing in the nude; David got into trouble for having a problem with it.

Noah didn't get into trouble for being passed out drunk and nude; his son got into trouble for having a problem with it.

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