Well, I have confirmed that another mail lady has busted me. The previous story was concerning a substitute mail carrier.
Our usual mail carrier is also a female and there have been a few times when I suspected she saw me but I was not certain. Several times I was mowing my backyard (nude of course) and noticed she was driving up my driveway and I thought I moved quickly enough to avoid her seeing me. There have also been times when I was nude in my back yard and when I returned to my garage or driveway, I noticed a package that had been dropped off. Well, one day last week I heard my alarm, indicating someone or something had triggered my motion alarm. I was already in my closed garage and it was dark so I decided to walk out the back door of my garage to investigate. As I rounded the corner of my house, I saw the mail truck parked on the opposite side of my vehicles. Since my lower half was blocked, I walked over to one of them and spoke to the mail lady as she walked up. When she said "I'll just put this over here by the door", I sensed she thought I may have been naked although she couldn't see me. Therefore, my curiosity was pricked and I asked her if I could ask her a question. She agreed and I proceeded to tell her that since she had been delivering mail at some strange times, I wondered if she had ever seen me without clothes. After a brief hesitation, she confirmed that she had seen me. I don't know why, but I asked her if she had been offended and she said yes. I also don't know why, but I apologized, and she said okay and left.
After she left, I immediately regretted not carrying the conversation more to explain my side of it and that if she kept coming, she might see me again. I plan to address this again whenever the opportunity arises or to let my wife talk to her one day when the opportunity arises. Do any of you have any similar experiences/advice?
Yes, had similar experiences. Our mail carrier is also female but she's an older black woman. I don't think there's much that ruffles Pauline's feathers. I routinely work naked in our garage with the large door open. I park our cars, so they provide shielding from the street and the neighbors across the street. Pauline delivers larger packages to the porch and that's when she's seen me. She either chuckles or smiles and has jokingly said, "don't drop any heavy tools on yourself!" She's quite the sweetheart and we've had many, many talks, while clothed, on the sidewalk or up on the porch.
I'm fairly certain the UPS drivers, FedEx drivers and even a couple of those Amazon drivers have seen me retrieve packages from the porch. I wait till they drive away from the curb, but they do stop across the street and get out of their trucks. That's when I think they might catch a glimpse of my backside going back in the house.
It's only my opinion but I think some of those, maybe most of those that may say, they are offended, aren't really. Saying they're offended is a way of saying, "it's okay but I don't want to carry on a conversation with you out in the open while you're naked. If I see you naked, it doesn't bother me, really." Just what I think. Goes for neighbors as well. After living here for 17 years and being naked almost always and no doubt being seen, even currently, never had any complaints of the cops being called.