Men's Locker-Rooms are Dying in the U.S.A.?
Thx for the add! I enjoyed bonging naked at the Y.M.C.A. in the men's lacker-room, but when they built a new building and facilities, they made the locker-rooms non-nude friendly. I created a facebook group for men and their locker-rooms, and I adopted an old facebook for men and their communal showers. Both non-sexual and private!! I am receiving many similar concerns in these groups and asked many questions and observed to find out why nudity in the locker-rooms and even the men's locker-rooms themselves are slowly disappearing in the United States of America. I then created a two-part Youtube video to answer these questions from my perspective. I encourage you to do the same if you have a similar sense of this happening in ours or your own country. Perhaps you see things very differently. If you make a video on youtube, please share it with me or in my men's groups. We need to save our men's and women's locker-rooms for masculine and/or emine bonding and identity!
Youtube Video:
Men's Locker-Room Facebook Group:
Men's Communal Showers Facebook Group:
((Other Brotherhood Private Non-Sexual Men's Nude Groups)):
Men's Nude Camping Facebook Group:
Men's Skinny-Dipping (Swim Naked) Facebook Group:
Growing up in New England, you could still find some communal showers, and I enjoyed it even though I was shy and always felt insecure. Now, it seems that it is almost impossible to find unless you drive hours. Our society has gotten over-sexualized while simultaneously taking away the positive aspects of nudity. I would love to find a couple guy friends to hang with nude, but right now, I have none.
There are still some communal showers in the older YMCA facilities. Most still allow the steam and sauna areas to be used nude. One particular YMCA does have a male solarium that is used almost exclusively nude in the warmer months. The steam and sauna are generally 50% nude.