saving time and money by being nude
In our household the laundry saved from part-time, but extensive nudity is considerable. Probably close to 50% less laundry as in equivalent textile household. Amount of clothes I again consider irrelevant, nudies need basically as much clothes as textiles and only saving in that sense is that less fashion-conscious may wear a single garment a bit longer before it wears out. So life span for single garment of clothing is usually longer, but amount of clothes needed is constant and up to individual more than whether or not he/she is nude.
Laundry bills are considerably lower. However, winter heating bills to keep a home at a temp comfortable for nudity erases any savings.
Unless you use ceramic heaters in the room(s) you only use at that time like we do during the cooler months. I am saving $ by not working. Don't have to wash clothing more than once a week or even two weeks now.