RE:Does the potential of getting caught turn you on?

Big D,

Do You close Your Hotel Curtains/Shades OR leave them wide open 24hours a day as I do? I never use an alarm & prefer not to have My privacy disturbed by a.m. courtesy calls & rely on My natural reliable circadian rhythm to wake Me with the morning Sun naturally.

If We dont regularly Exercise Our INALIENABLE #ClothesFREE Liberty & Codified #1stAmendment Right to DiVest from inane nanny bodymask tyrannies & defy codes & rulers aimed & armed to deamonize & criminalize #TheHumanBody, ignoramuses might dupe Us into feeling We dont deserve them or never had them in The Beginning.

We are supposed to be seen, appreciated, admired, evaluated for ProCreation, sans bodymasks; so, the THRILLS & overwhelming JOY We get being seen observed in All Our Glory is perfectly scientifically logical as naturally triggered instinctual Happy Hormones get fired energizing every part of Our Body & Mind like a super dose of adrenaline.

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RE:Does the potential of getting caught turn you on?

Bravo. Enocore.

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RE:Does the potential of getting caught turn you on?

I totally agree. We shouldnt be ashamed of our naked bodies ever. I actually dont mind being seen naked.

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RE:Does the potential of getting caught turn you on?

Being naked outdoors is not only quite liberating but it is, for me anyway, highly erotic and part of that thrill is the possibility of being seen, which I have on a number of occasions, but also the excitement of being "caught" which in my case means having been caught masturbating which has happened to me various times over the years. However there is a difference between the thrill of possibility being seen or caught and actually being caught but fortunately on the two times I was caught masturbating naked by women neither were particularly horrified. One was a 40 something lady walking her dog; she had plenty of opportunity to avoid me but presumably chose not to and surprised me. We chatted for a good five minutes as I sat naked and she was intrigued to know where my clothes were (I'd left them elsewhere) and had wondered if she might one day see a naked man on a walk so in some way she was almost pleased that she had! What was amazing was just how relaxed she was about it especially as it was obvious what I was doing. When we'd finished talking she said she would leave me to it and headed off with the dog. I didn't waste a moment and immediately carried on where I had left off. I'll admit that I was still excited by the possibility that she might look back or stop somewhere to watch and perhaps she did.

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RE:Does the potential of getting caught turn you on?

It started when I was a kid and started masturbating. I would put myself in a situation where the chance of getting caught naked and playing with myself was greatest. The thrill of the chance of being caught was almost as thrilling as the climax

I know how that feels as I used to do the same thing when I was young and is something I still do.
I am currently on holiday in France and staying for a few days at a large nudist campsite surrounded by forest. The pitches are spread out in clearings and there is a network of footpaths. Its great to walk around nude, but it's OK to do that obviously, but I have masturbated openly a couple of times in a few of the clearings when it has been quite possible for someone to walk by. On one evening I sat naked on a picnic table in a large clearing and played with myself for ages almost in the hope of being caught and it was such a thrill!

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RE:Does the potential of getting caught turn you on?

Have to say it does , but planed be caught never seems to work for me must be a timing thing , when it happens spontaneous always better

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