Longest time spent naked

What's the longest time you've ever spent naked?? For me it 16 days, took a fortnight off, but obviously get 3 weekends in that, went to my favorite naturist campsite in Devon, drove there naked, drove home naked... Over 2 weeks without clothes was sooo good,!!!

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RE:Longest time spent naked

What's the longest time you've ever spent naked?? For me it 16 days, took a fortnight off, but obviously get 3 weekends in that, went to my favorite naturist campsite in Devon, drove there naked, drove home naked... Over 2 weeks without clothes was sooo good,!!!

Warm enough for you to be nude at night for over 2 weeks in England?
Isn't that unusual?
Did you bring any clothing with you?

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RE:Longest time spent naked

Mine for now is a little over hours, goal is 100.
Can't see me going longer that that because my wife would not go to a clothing optional venue, and I wouldn't want to be away from her or confined to the house and back yard longer than that.
Longest I heard of was someone on another board that said his high school age son was continuously naked from when schools in Florida closed early in March of 2020 until they reopened virtually in early September. He then wore a sleeveless shirt but nothing below the waist for a few days, then decided to see if anyone objected if he attended Zoom school shirtless and no one did. He then remained nude until Christmas break for a total of 9 months with the exception of a few hours of wearing only a sleeveless shirt.

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RE:Longest time spent naked

What's the longest time you've ever spent naked?? For me it 16 days, took a fortnight off, but obviously get 3 weekends in that, went to my favorite naturist campsite in Devon, drove there naked, drove home naked... Over 2 weeks without clothes was sooo good,!!!Warm enough for you to be nude at night for over 2 weeks in England?Isn't that unusual?

No, we do have Good weather sometimes!! So long as its in double figures, that's OK with me... Quite happy to be naked..

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RE:Longest time spent naked

Here's a good read on the same subject matter.

Should answer your question on this.

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RE:Longest time spent naked

About 3.5 days for me during a trip to Spain.

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