Whats your motivation?
Reading some of the latest post threads in the group I find myself wondering what is the motivation of folks to drive naked? Two trends seem to emerge
1. Drive naked to be seen (so opportunities are planned to pump gas or otherwise be seen publicly on the drive)
2. Trying to set some kind of competitive record for the amount or time or length of trip (meant to report out to others for what ever reason)
Personally I drive naked to just remain comfortable I dont need to be seen or want to be seen. I have spend many hours behind the wheel clothes free but dont track the hours or mileage because its just about be free in my skin and enjoying my naked ride not about anyone else. I always make provision to cover or dress for the public situations.
I do it to help me remain calm. I have the tendency to have traffic anxiety. Driving naked helps me with that.
The anxiety issue has been true for me as well. I frequently have driven home from a job I hated for years which was incredibly stressful at times. It was an immediate stress relief when I got in the car the days I drove home naked. I also drove in to work naked many mornings as well.
Points 1 and 2 may be the things people talk about a lot to stimulate conversation but I dont think those are prime reasons. A nudist likes to be naked. Driving is another opportunity to do so.
I like to travel and driving naked is the most relaxing driving I have ever done.