Nude for a long long time?

Ever heard of Body Worlds? It is an exhibition of real preserved human bodies that reveal the fascinating and amazing way we are made.
Years ago I got to visit a touring display in Cape Town S. Africa. The bodies are preserved in some form of plastic. Exhibits vary from the entire
human nervous or blood circulation systems to various parts of the body sliced into thin layers to show how a cross section looks.
Nothing is hidden. One display was the male reproductive parts from penis to testes and tubes. Some skinned back others with skin on
One room was labeled as mature audiences suggested. It had a couple in a sexual position The woman sitting astride the male. A disclaimer stated that both parties had agreed to be shown in that position.
Surprisingly many of the bodies were from fit younger people not crippled up by age and sickness.
On the walls there were life size blow ups of humans having sex while being x-rayed. If I remember correctly those were vintage from the early days of medical x-rays.
All that said : Has anyone considered in some way being on display either in a body exhibit like that or a medical school anatomy lab?

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Nude for a long long time?

That sounds really cool, the best way to spend eternity!

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  • 3 years ago