Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

This is going to be a very open post...

I had been an elite level swimmer when younger and my pectoral muscles had always been worked hard. So now well into my 50's and despite trying to keep somewhat fit and having had a life of slim physique, I have developed moobs (aka manboobs) - and they seem to come and go.

They come and go due to a medical condition and medicines that I take. When I am busting out on carbs, and off my medication my moobs can go to a firm A-cup. Oddly, in this condition they are also easily aroused and that's somewhat an enjoyable aspect of them. The women in my life also have no problems with them.

When my moobs first appeared I was in my 40's and I was ashamed of them. In fact I detested them. They felt odd at the beach and in the pool, as folks did look. But, hitting the beach in the last few weeks to catch some winter sun I simply sported my moobs and fully embraced the privilege of growing older.

So the question is do you have moobs and do you embrace them or detest them.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

I would say I tolerate them which is somewhere between the two.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

It is what it is. Mine are partly genetic from my father (along with my hairline) and further exaggerated by an old surgery scar just below. Looking after yourself in general means no one should pass judgement, even if they were inclined to do otherwise. Hell, we should be the least-judgemental group on earth, anyway!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

I'd say focus on what you can control. I don't know much about moobs, but if you go for a good six pack look (or in other words, not the authentic washboard abs but not quite the gut of most men around you carry) you'll be rockin it.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

I was very self-conscious of them when I was younger, as I was with the rest of my body. Now that I'm older, I've come to embrace them. Like yours, they've come to provide me a good chance at arousal. I've joked that they're sensitive enough that I can get excited on a windy day, lol.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

You have to embrace them and enjoy life, its too short. That being said, do what you can to get them to where youre more comfortable with them. I have a pretty big chest and if my diet gets off track every pound I gain seems to go to my chest! I joke that I got my chest from my mom, lol! But as you and others have mentioned, the chest is a great source of arousal, so theres that!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

I was very self-conscious of them when I was younger, as I was with the rest of my body. Now that I'm older, I've come to embrace them. Like yours, they've come to provide me a good chance at arousal. I've joked that they're sensitive enough that I can get excited on a windy day, lol.

Have you tried riding a bike shirtless to create wind on your chest?

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

They mortified me when I got them during puberty, spent most of my life detesting them and other aspects of my body. Love swimming but spent many years swimming with a shirt on that hid NOTHING! Finally in my 40s Ive settled into my body quite nicely and it is what it is! Would I like the body of Adonis, sure! Do I want to go to the gym that much, NO! I guess I just dont care what others think of me anymore! I wanna skinny dip, moobs, small penis, love handles and all!!! Im so much happier now too. Embrace your moobs! You are a work of art, an original! Appreciate it.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

They mortified me when I got them during puberty, spent most of my life detesting them and other aspects of my body. Love swimming but spent many years swimming with a shirt on that hid NOTHING! Finally in my 40s Ive settled into my body quite nicely and it is what it is! Would I like the body of Adonis, sure! Do I want to go to the gym that much, NO! I guess I just dont care what others think of me anymore! I wanna skinny dip, moobs, small penis, love handles and all!!! Im so much happier now too. Embrace your moobs! You are a work of art, an original! Appreciate it.

Nicely said!!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

Im more open to them lately, and honestly? Guys shouldnt be shamed for big breasts.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Moobs - do you embrace yours or detest them?

It is what it is I guess I'm not gon a li e in a gym to try and get rid of them

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  • 3 years ago