My wife loves nudist fishing

Hi all, saw this group and had to check it out. My wife loves to go fish nude. If I'am looking at a new nudist camp to maybe go to, her first question is do they have fishing, lol. Nude fishing scares the hell out of me. Love to share a pic of us fishing but having a hard time fingering out how that works?

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  • 3 years ago
RE:My wife loves nudist fishing

Wow a woman fisherman !
I had Gone to a exotic dancing bar years ago. It was during a holiday not sure which holiday. But the dancer was a fisherwoman. She came up to me and said I bet you love fishing.
I have never had a better time talking to her about fishing. And she was dressed in a very small bikini. I told her, I would love for her to come along fishing one day. But my wife would not want that. So it was better I go alone. Lol
But when I went home and told her who I met. Wow did I get in trouble. I never even had her dance for me. lol and the wife and her friends knew where I was going.
So kiss her for us after you kiss the fish. You know what I mean. lol

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  • 3 years ago