Questions on meeting other couples here with your non nudist wife
My wife is okay with tanning and skinny dipping nude when no one else is around (except for me of course). This year she even went to a non-nudist resort with me that had a naked beach area where she was also nude with me. However, afterwards she said she was never comfortable with being nude around other people or seeing others nude. At this point, I am positive she would not be comfortable with going to a nudist resort or with me even being on the TN website, but hoping that might eventually in the future. I am trying to ease her into it by meeting other couples on here who are in my area in order to open up opportunities for conversations or even the possibility for some nudists activities like skinny dipping with another couples. Not looking to swing. Also trying to patient and respectful of her with this. I won't do any social nudist activities without her, so hoping she will eventually come around.
This leads me to my questions:
1. Have you told your spouse that you are on the TN website? Were they supporting of that fact?
2. If you're keeping the fact you are on the TN website a secret because you know they would not be accepting (i.e. They may see it as porn rather than a networking site.), how do you go about meeting other couples on here with them? Where do you say or how do you explain where you know the other couple from?
3. If you're met another couple on here with your non-nudist wife, how did that experience go?
4. Anything else you can share, if you've gone through this scenario yourself?
- 3 years ago
4. Anything else you can share, if you've gone through this scenario yourself? wasn't here; it was in a different forum that is now defunct.
I'd connected with a group of nudists from a non-landed club that "hung out" in a chatroom in that now-defunct website. I was planning on eventually meeting them in person, and I really hoped my then-wife would be on board - even though at the time she had little to no interest in social nudity. After multiple attempts, I finally got her to sit down and chat with them; which she did begrudgingly to "get me off her back." She introduced herself as "Mrs Nudony"; and actually got a pretty warm reception. Then she was asked about joining the group for an event. She half-heartedly replied "someday perhaps"; and then just then typed: "Ok...nice meeting you all...bye now." That was it. It lasted 5 minutes before she got bored with it.
She didn't really have any interest in talking to strangers online about being naked or meeting up. Especially since at the time she wasn't into social nudity at all. That is not to say it can't happen; but without a direct connection, it's probably not going to be easy.
At the risk of stating the obvious, a direct experience can be a much better "eye and mind opener." You mentioned your wife has been naked with you; but has stated there is zero chance of socializing naked. Well my wife felt the same exact way. So I did a ton of research and made a phone call to a C/O resort; and found that during an off-season weekday, we'd pretty much have the resort to ourselves. So not only would she not have to undress; but there wouldn't be anyone around hanging with their "junk out" (her words) in front of her. It took several attempts, quite a bit of time and a lot of negotiation before she finally relented. And when we got there - on a rather chilly spring Tuesday morning - we did indeed have the entire resort pretty much to ourselves. And with no one around to see her, she did end up hanging out naked with me in the clubhouse. And then going for a walk with me still naked. And eventually down the road - and a year or two later - she did end up meeting the folks from the chatroom.
Just a thought. Keep your options open.
- 3 years ago
1. Of course the wife knew about TN from the jump. She also of course paid it no mind just didn't want to be to involved as forums/chats are not her thing. Pinterest cooking recipes, arts and crafts are her thing given she is an artist and a world class cook. I call that her wife porn :D
2. We have no secrets from the get go 25 yrs and counting. Something we got straight off we would be honest. Not always has that been comfortable thing to do of course not but so be it we both have been. We met our very close friends right here on TN.
3. I met up with the husband after some dissuasion on TN and he gave me a tour of his club. Next came a meet up with all 4 of us at our home. Luann was a home nudist but not a social nudist at that moment in time. She rocks a bikini and that's all she could manage then unlike the rest of us nude in our hot tub.
4. We had already built a very large private backyard for her to get out of the house naked instead of being caged in the house to be naked. I was very much yearning to go social and she was very intimidated about that. If there is a thing as a shy nudist it is her. I knew I needed to go social. She knew it was something I needed then after some serious discussion and we both know it never feels "right" if we are not together.
After a few visits to our TN friends club it was my wife's idea for us to get our own place there. We have been neighbors with our TN friends there for 9 yrs now. Prolly isn't a week or two I don't talk to my TN friend on the phone in the winter season
5. It was a TN nudist wife that excepted Luann's fear of social nudity and could care less my wife wore a bikini the first few meetings. When Luann had questions her new friend told her from a woman's point of view about social nudity. That was extremely helpful to my wife.
Nudony is a good guy and has some things worth listing to. Check him out.
- 3 years ago
My wife is okay with tanning and skinny dipping nude when no one else is around (except for me of course). This year she even went to a non-nudist resort with me that had a naked beach area where she was also nude with me. However, afterwards she said she was never comfortable with being nude around other people or seeing others nude. At this point, I am positive she would not be comfortable with going to a nudist resort or with me even being on the TN website, but hoping that might eventually in the future. I am trying to ease her into it by meeting other couples on here who are in my area in order to open up opportunities for conversations or even the possibility for some nudists activities like skinny dipping with another couples. Not looking to swing. Also trying to patient and respectful of her with this. I won't do any social nudist activities without her, so hoping she will eventually come around.This leads me to my questions:1. Have you told your spouse that you are on the TN website? Were they excepting of that fact?2. If you're keeping the fact you are on the TN website a secret because you know they would not be accepting (i.e. They may see it as porn rather than a networking site.), how do you go about meeting other couples on here with them? Where do you say or how do you explain where you know the other couple from?3. If you're met another couple on here with your non-nudist wife, how did that experience go?4. Anything else you can share, if you've gone through this scenario yourself?
Married to my wife for almost 49 years but we've been a couple for almost 53. She knew about my nudist tendencies while we were in HS. She experienced some nudism with me in HS and afterwards. After we got married and had our own place, we began living as nudists. Spent the first 20 years of our marriage as home, backyard, patio nudists. I visited our local nude beach, told her about it and she agreed to visit but was not that interested in social nudism. For 2 years we visited the nude beach many, many times and met a younger couple that we befriended. We spent some nude time at each other's homes and then visited our first resort together. After several visits to this resort, we decided to join our club. Nudism/naturism, visiting nude places is always a part of every getaway and vacation.
1. Yes, my wife is well aware of my involvement in online nudist/naturist websites and message boards. I first used them for info on places for us to visit, so yes, she was accepting of my use of these types of sites.
2. Since it's not a secret, it's never been an issue. We've tried meeting people from these sites at various times in the last 25 years but for us it actually works best to meet in person at a nude beach, club or resort.
3. Since my wife is a nudist, this really doesn't apply but we have had meet ups with other nudists that did not go as well as one would think. Just because people prefer being naked and consider themselves nudists, doesn't mean you'll have any more other than that in common.
4. Nudism starts at home. Your reluctant, significant other needs to feel comfortable being naked at home first. Meeting up with other nudists from a naturist site should always be done in a clothed situation in a public place and if your wife is unwilling, do not push it.
I've had some really great friendships online on naturist sites and the meet up, clothed meet up didn't go well. I think because the communication online was very surface and general. When we met in person, and they opened up, that real person emerged and all we had in common was nudism. I've made friends here on TN and we've had some good, in depth conversations via messages or emails. I know that if we met in person, it would go well. The ONLY drawback is that I meet these people/couples and we live so far apart. I know that if we lived closer, we'd be very close friends.
- 3 years ago
Yes, my wife knew first about my nudity and about me visiting socially in person and online. I told her about it while we were first just talking. Even before our relationship was getting serious. When we were married she accepted me continuing to visit the resort even when I maintained my status as a single male. That was until my day visits grew to weekend visits, and my weekend visits grew to holiday weekend visits. We came to a period in our marriage that we needed lets call it a more serious conversation. I listed out a number of different ways she could support me. None of which included coming to the resort with me. She had told me that was off the table to the point that I didnt even ask any more. She understood my boundaries at the resort and trusted me there. She had seen more than enough anatomy during her nursing years to not be uncomfortable seeing anyone else. She was just uncomfortable going. Back to that discussion. My wife told me she would start going with me to the resort to be more apart of my life and support me. This surprised me. Sure enough on the next visit she came with. That was four years ago. Since then she continued her support of me. Even brought up the idea of a week in Cypress Cove. She still does not call herself a nudist and will probably never come out again if something happened to me. She does support me and admits to enjoying her time at the resorts. I know this is not the route that I would recommend. Just saying that even when it looks totally off the table. Be patient and care for the one you are with. You might be surprised.
- 3 years ago
The right place and the right time is important I think for a reluctant partner. I found in my case not to call my wife a nudist even though she is a very active and a vital person at our home club. She has done 2 nude cruises and visited many clubs and resorts. She does not care for being labeled in any form or fashion except being called an artist (which she is artistic ), shy by nature and so be it not claiming to be a nudist and I can live with it. I took her to the wrong place our first time out many years ago and it scared the hell out of her. Guys attempted to swarm her like they never saw a pretty woman within minutes. I should have done some research on the place before that experience that's for certain.
- 3 years ago