Hi all. How about groups in. NY or NJ?
Hello my nudist friends. Hope some info about groups in NY and NJ that have get together. We love to go to nudist camps but don't know where the in crowd goes. Ok in reality don't want to hang with the "in" crowd but would to meet some nudists camper to hang with. My wife is hoping we can find a group that has get together at camps around NY and NJ. Thanks, peace Da. And Chris.
Greetings Dan & Chris,
As far as I know Rock Lodge in North Jersey near the NY border is still open but would need to call if they are allowing visitors. Sky Farm also here in Jersy though further South from Rock Lodge but still in Northern Jersey is also still open. Over in Pa there is Sunny Rest & Beechwood which are practically Neighbors. If you are a beach person there is Gunnison Beach at Sandy Hook.