On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I was blocked today, one of two or three of which I am aware. And my conundrum is that I have no idea why? Being blocked is another nudists way of, demonstratively saying, *you dont fit * and that is irksome. If someone defines themselves as way off either end of the ideological scale, makes no effort to participate and posted photos shows outlandish exhibitionist traits-myself and I suspect most others wont even bother to say *hello*. But if you appear to have things in common, from the same region and have even resided near their locale, a friendly note is not out of line. This morning *Nude* (not their real name) stopped by my profile. After I saw their visit, I viewed their profile and thought a quick *hello* would be in order. I started typing. I wrote a quick note, about 4 sentences, hit send and, to my astonishment, found I had been blocked. I didnt even get to say a banal good morning. Anyway irritated as I was I immediately blocked them, too. What the heck! But then I thought about it and realized their code of conduct was not my code of conduct. Theyre now unblocked. So *Nude* if you see this feel free to revisit as I am what I am. Not quite like Popeye, but of the same vein.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I was blocked today, one of two or three of which I am aware. And my conundrum is that I have no idea why? Being blocked is another nudists way of, demonstratively saying, *you dont fit * and that is irksome. If someone defines themselves as way off either end of the ideological scale, makes no effort to participate and posted photos shows outlandish exhibitionist traits-myself and I suspect most others wont even bother to say *hello*. But if you appear to have things in common, from the same region and have even resided near their locale, a friendly note is not out of line. This morning *Nude* (not their real name) stopped by my profile. After I saw their visit, I viewed their profile and thought a quick *hello* would be in order. I started typing. I wrote a quick note, about 4 sentences, hit send and, to my astonishment, found I had been blocked. I didnt even get to say a banal good morning. Anyway irritated as I was I immediately blocked them, too. What the heck! But then I thought about it and realized their code of conduct was not my code of conduct. Theyre now unblocked. So *Nude* if you see this feel free to revisit as I am what I am. Not quite like Popeye, but of the same vein.

I know that for some odd reason, some people don't want others looking at their profile, especially the media, and therefor block them.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

There are many screwed up and mentally ill people on this site. If you so much as say hello to some of them they block immediately. Who wants to know such morons. The best recourse is to block them too, basically throw them away, and forget they ever existed in the first place. Only focus upon the few good and real nudists here. The rest can go on a one way trip to Russia and stay there with their comrades.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I'd say don't worry about it.
Some people have their own weird rules about how they want to be interacted with and if they block you because you don't know their own personal rules, it's not worth the mental effort to try to figure out why.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I was blocked a couple of times in the past just by looking at their profile or their media. How are you going to know about the person if you do not read their profile or check their media? My profile is open to the public and there are some G-rated photos that I also open to the public but most of my media are for certified friends only. I think this is the best way if you dont want other people to see your media than being an ass in blocking people just because they check your profile/media. BesidesWhy ever join this site if you dont want to be seen or checked out?

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I had several good conversations via various groups with a particular user that is fairly active on the site. One day, I found I was blocked by him. Don't know why. All of our conversations were fairly benign and there was no aurgument about anything. You just never know what might set someone off.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

It also seems that men and women are equally bad on this site. Men block for no reason and so many women here seem to hate men and will block if you so much as say "hello". Nothing worse then a man hating lesbo to ruin your day. Then again, the man hating lesbo might just be an old dude posing as a woman and then spreading the hate around. Too much anger and hatred on this site. Get rid of these deplorables and keep the site only for friendly and real nudists of both genders who are actually genuine..

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I have found a few instances of being BLOCKED.
It is weird when I had had no contact with them previously. So I cannot say it was something I said.
The one and only guy who advised he was blocking me, said I wasn't being honest! Wow, some have impossibly high expectations.
Nudists come in all shapes sizes and experience. Some are tentatively 'coming out' as a nudist, some are exploring who they are, some are wondering about their sexuality and some are super nudists.
Most nudists are accepting of others, but there are a few bigots and hypocrites in all groups.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I would not stress over someone blocking you, it just shows how petty some people are.

Ive never blocked anyone (although some twit thinks I have) on here.

I have been blocked though, I once accused two accounts of being the same person, they had very similar profiles, and writing styles. Made the same spelling and grammatical errors over and over again, both blocked me.

The writing style was so distinctive, I began to notice it more and from others with very similar profiles, even though I had zero interaction I was soon blocked by these too. Just recently I noticed it in a new member and yip. Blocked too.

The upshot is, one old guy, (I found the origin) blocked me, and at least nine of the young men hes pretending to be, also blocked me.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

Nothing new here when a person is discovered to have multiple profiles. Doing this actually benefits the site because the site can claim that 500,000 people have signed up. Never mind the fact that some of those 500,000 have multiple profiles and so the 500,000 number is really meaningless. Also never mind that most of those 500,000 are scammers and fakes who come once or twice to scam and then leave the site. Also never mind that many of the 500,00 represent those who many have come one time years ago and have not been back for over a decade? What is the real purpose of being so misleading and borderline dishonest? Can anyone or anything be believed here???

What is even more strange here are those who add others as 'friends' but never say one word or reply to messages. Who needs 'friends' like that? Do so many here have no clue what a real friend is because they never had any real friends? This is beyond sad.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

Safety Tip - Do not send money for Customs or import fees for gifts

Dishonest individuals may ask for your address so they can send a laptop, camera, iPad or other gift to you. A short time later someone will contact you claiming that the gift is stuck in Customs and that you need to pay a fee to release the item from Customs. This is a scam. Customs agencies do not contact people and ask for fees to be sent by Western Union. Report anyone who asks you for money. Never send money to anyone you meet online or to pay customs fees.

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