RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

Safety Tip - On assignment in Nigeria? - Not likely!

Be suspicious of anyone who claims they live in the USA, but are on assignment in Nigeria, Ghana or other African countries. Dishonest individuals will claim it is because they are an engineer, aid worker or business person and they suddenly need money because they have been robbed or are a victim of some disaster. Report anyone who asks you for money. Never send money to anyone who you meet online.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

Safety Tip - Do not swap accounts

Scammers may ask you to access their account on this website, or ask you to swap accounts or ask for your password. A dishonest individual will do this to try to hijack your account and/or try to cover their tracks after committing dishonest behavior. Never allow anyone to access your account and do not access anyone elses account. Never disclose your password to anyone under any circumstances. If someone asks you for your password or asks you to access their account or swap accounts, report them immediately.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

Safety Tip - SOB Stories From Canada? - Not likely!

Be suspicious of anyone who claims they live in the Canada and are constantly complaining about medical issues, etc but lack the money to pay for their expenses. Dishonest individuals will claim it is because they are a 'poor' person and they suddenly need money because they have been robbed, are a victim of some disaster, are unemployed and have no money. Report anyone who asks you for money. Never send money to anyone who you meet online.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

We've all have moments when someone says something that makes us uncomfortable in some way. We're individuals and we all have different experiences and often very strong opinions. I love that about the world, and in particular, True Nudists. It would be pretty boring in here if we all got along. We all do ostensibly have one thing in common and that is the love of bareness.

Me, I dislike reading blanket statements about a whole group of people to make a point. A comment such asNothing worse then a man hating lesbo to ruin your day.does very little besides make the writer seem like he's got issues with women in general. If every woman who blocks someone is instantly a mean lesbian, as ridiculous as that sounds, and that that somehow also makes them a bad person, it would help to reconsider the angry words a little longer before posting. There's the Island of Lesbos in the Mediterranean and even a god called Lesbos. Flippantly using the term 'lesbo' will anger some females. Hell, I've got a penis and it didn't make me smile to read it. Using it in this manner is the equivalent of a straight person calling someone a fag in the wrong context.

There are a million and one reasons why people don't get along. Turning every female who "doesn't like me" (blocks) in here into a man-hating lesbian is knee-jerk thinking and serves little purpose besides to salve bruised pride. Half a million people can't all get along all the time, and yes, I realize there aren't a half million people actually using TN. Click the button and get on with your life if one person doesn't want to be your best friend forever.

Blocking is a useful tool in a venue where anyone can say just about anything. It is surely misused by some and certainly abused by others. But I wouldn't be so keen to share my opinions here if I had no way to move out of the way of the militants.

Get rid of these deplorables and keep the site only for friendly and real nudists of both genders who are actually genuine..

For real??? Not everyone with a profile is going to be a friend, and just because they aren't doesn't mean they hate everyone with a penis.

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

I agree! I only blocked one person due to comments advocating for acts involving sex acts with children!!! Sorry but kids are sacred and should never enter sexual conversations! I do have an open mind and believe that we have a right to choose...leave kids alone!

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RE:On blocking, and no not NASCAR

We've all have moments when someone says something that makes us uncomfortable in some way. We're individuals and we all have different experiences and often very strong opinions. I love that about the world, and in particular, True Nudists. It would be pretty boring in here if we all got along. We all do ostensibly have one thing in common and that is the love of bareness.Me, I dislike reading blanket statements about a whole group of people to make a point. A comment such asNothing worse then a man hating lesbo to ruin your day.does very little besides make the writer seem like he's got issues with women in general. If every woman who blocks someone is instantly a mean lesbian, as ridiculous as that sounds, and that that somehow also makes them a bad person, it would help to reconsider the angry words a little longer before posting. There's the Island of Lesbos in the Mediterranean and even a god called Lesbos. Flippantly using the term 'lesbo' will anger some females. Hell, I've got a penis and it didn't make me smile to read it. Using it in this manner is the equivalent of a straight person calling someone a fag in the wrong context.There are a million and one reasons why people don't get along. Turning every female who "doesn't like me" (blocks) in here into a man-hating lesbian is knee-jerk thinking and serves little purpose besides to salve bruised pride. Half a million people can't all get along all the time, and yes, I realize there aren't a half million people actually using TN. Click the button and get on with your life if one person doesn't want to be your best friend forever.Blocking is a useful tool in a venue where anyone can say just about anything. It is surely misused by some and certainly abused by others. But I wouldn't be so keen to share my opinions here if I had no way to move out of the way of the militants.Get rid of these deplorables and keep the site only for friendly and real nudists of both genders who are actually genuine..For real??? Not everyone with a profile is going to be a friend, and just because they aren't doesn't mean they hate everyone with a penis.

This person has plenty of good women in his life and can easily compare such women to the men haters of the world. Can you? It also sounds like you did not understand the points that I was making and so I obviously need to clarify to those with reading comprehension problems.

I originally wrote this: "It also seems that men and women are equally bad on this site. Men block for no reason and so many women here seem to hate men and will block if you so much as say "hello". Nothing worse then a man hating lesbo to ruin your day. Then again, the man hating lesbo might just be an old dude posing as a woman and then spreading the hate around. Too much anger and hatred on this site. Get rid of these deplorables and keep the site only for friendly and real nudists of both genders who are actually genuine.."

I clearly said "so many women here". This does not mean all and this is clearly not a generalization. This means SOME Women here. Got it straight now? You are making wrong assumptions here and making generalizations based upon your misunderstanding of what was actually written. Reading comprehension is an important life skill as it prevents people from reading what they want to read in spite of what is actually being said. FYI, I am surrounded by many strong willed and intelligent women who hate no one and have absolutely no tolerance for those who do. Unfortunately, too many men on this site (this statement is NOT a generalization and does not mean ALL so let's get that straight) are weak and will suck up to any woman no matter how abusive such women may be to them. This is pathetic!

As for my statement about getting rid of the deplorables, you obviously do not seem to have ever experienced real world nudism where real nudist people are open, friendly, and honest about who they are and what they do. If you wish to enjoy the scammers, fakes, frauds, phonies, those with hate issues who abuse and block others for no reason, then go ahead and enjoy them and keep defending them as much as you want. The rest of us who are real and friendly nudists will associate with our kind and you can associate with yours.

Finally, I dislike people who put words into my mouth that were never there and clearly have basic reading comprehension issues. If you do not understand what is written, then simply do not comment for if you do you only make a complete fool out of yourself.

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