Skype group

Myself and a member on here started a group of Christian men who like to chat share pics and be open with erections. They are healthy to have and pop up randomly (at least when I cam mine does). Hands free! Natural. Not many of us in the group but thats why I am posting here. We do identify as hetero so this group is entirely for us who admire penises openly and like to cam chat with an erection or flaccid whatever the penises want to do, but no wanking. We would prefer others who identify as hetero (nothing against bi or homo so please no hate messages). If interested you can PM me here or add on Skype. I will only add users who seem like a good fit for the group (6 of us right now) and who have full profiles on here (pics and bio not private).

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RE:Skype group

I agree

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RE:Skype group

This sounds so awesome.

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RE:Skype group

I agree sounds like a good group

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RE:Skype group

Great story. I often showered with my dad until puberty hit. After that, My dad said I was old enough to shower alone. I wish we could have continued showering together. When I was in high school, we had a pool and we took some of our phys-ed classes in the pool. After swim class, all of the boys showered in a gang shower. Most boys did a quick rinse and they were done. I think I was the only boy who was not afraid to be nude with the other nude boys. I read a lot of stories about nudity bonding groups of people. From my experience, that is really true!

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RE:Skype group


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RE:Skype group


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RE:Skype group

Great idea for a group. Naked hang out, easy, no pressure, chat about whatever, cock does whatever it does without the chat being a wank tank. Sounds good to me.

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RE:Skype group

Great idea for a group. Naked hang out, easy, no pressure, chat about whatever, cock does whatever it does without the chat being a wank tank. Sounds good to me.

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RE:Skype group

Sounds like a great idea. Is there a name for the new gruop?

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RE:Skype group

I'm down to chatting and camming with others from all over. thanks

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