My presentation
Hello everyone, I have been a naturist since childhood and I am involved in my federation. I fully live my lifestyle. If you are true, come talk to me without problem. Maybe I don't have a big enough penis to be in your group, that's up to you!
- 2 years ago
Welcome to the group.
You'd still be welcome to join even if you don't have a penis at all. We welcome all.
The topic of the group is the larger penis in relation to nudism, it's not a requirement to have one yourself.
- 2 years ago
Hello everyone, I have been a naturist since childhood and I am involved in my federation. I fully live my lifestyle. If you are true, come talk to me without problem. Maybe I don't have a big enough penis to be in your group, that's up to you!
Welcome! My only gripe is that your profile doesn't give your height - so there's no good way to know exactly how big your penis is! You could be a little person....but you'd still be welcome, hee!
- 2 years ago
Hello everyone, I have been a naturist since childhood and I am involved in my federation. I fully live my lifestyle. If you are true, come talk to me without problem. Maybe I don't have a big enough penis to be in your group, that's up to you!Welcome! My only gripe is that your profile doesn't give your height - so there's no good way to know exactly how big your penis is! You could be a little person....but you'd still be welcome, hee!
Willy it looks to be a good length to me what do you think?
- 2 years ago
looks good enough to me
- 2 years ago
thank you for acceptation.
- 2 years ago