Nudism - positive reinforcement in media

Firstly why is this such an important topic? Well its simple - some of us live in wonderfully liberal jurisdictions (ie legal) that allow some level of nudity in public while many of us simply do not. Many of you will have seen other posts by me talking to the draconian laws in the State (Queensland) I live here in Australia, that are so backward it defies belief.

Change is needed, not only here in Queensland but also in many places around the world where nudity is considered a pre-cursor to sex and therefore dirty and obscene. Legislators are not about to wake up tomorrow and change their views. Like all politicians though they try to run ahead of community views and direction, but what they simply do is keep checking the direction and then try and jump in front of where we as a community were already going.

So how do we get that cultural change? How do we get politicians to take the pulse of the community and see that nudism is socially acceptable? How do we change their diet of 'influential feed'.

Well lets face it most free of cost public nudist activities and protests seem to not work. Why? Because they are over subscribed by middle aged white men (same demographic as myself) which for reasons unexplainable (well I don't understand) reinforces the notion of the sexual connection (ie 'dirty old man' syndrome).

Lets also face it nigh on every representation of nudity in all media is sexualised. And it is the media that is perhaps the best vehicle to permeate the thinking of political leaders and get them to understand nudism (ie get educated). We have to accept not many of them will freely join TN just to 'research' nudism and whether they should take a new position on the topic.

Continual positive reinforcements of the benefits of nudism in mainstream media is what is truly needed. I have commented in other post about a local health fund (insurer) here in Australia that actually has a radio advertisement that promotes nudism as a way to live healthier. What a great start in the right direction!

So how do you see the media's role in changing laws? and what positive reinforcement have you seen in your media?

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