New here

Hello everyone, long time nudist, new to the site. I was wondering about being certified. The reason I ask this is because within the first three days of signing up for the page I had 6 obviously fake accounts sending me friend requests asking me to click on the link!! My question is by becoming certified does this eliminate or shield you from this traffic?

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RE:New here

Sadly, it does not. The only thing to do is ignore them, or flag them as fast as they come in; they typically are gone in a day, so blocking is irrelevant. But then another one pops up.

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RE:New here

Hey thanks for that. Ive been deleting and marking as spam, sometimes they are deleted but then yeah just reappear. Very annoying, anyway small things shouldnt shake us.

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RE:New here

A genuine nudist will likely have a hard time understanding what passes for nudism here. Lots of fakes account as you discovered and many who are here for reasons beyond nude recreation.

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RE:New here

They come in through my message box, and I cant see the option to flag only report as spam! Is that what you mean??

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RE:New here

What I usually do is click to the sender's profile, and flag them there as a fake/spam account.

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RE:New here

The main benefit of certification is so others can see you've gone through the process to give them confidence you are well you say you are. To me, active participation in the groups and forums is the other main way, as I don't do the video chat thing.

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RE:New here

Certification really doesn't mean much here. There are fakes who are certified. There are liars with multiple profiles who are certified here. There are many who are certified who never say one damn word. Maybe at one point getting certified meant something here, but now it just gives false hope to those who do not really understand what this site has morphed into.

What is the most important thing here is for people to speak out and contribute as this is the only way to become known as a genuine person.

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RE:New here

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. It has given me a lot to think about! I do think in the interest of the site it would be worth certification, but would still be nervous about uploading images to a site where its own certified members have doubts in the system. Still lets see where this goes. Happy to contribute to conversation and and add points along the way.

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RE:New here

You don't need to be certified but is does carry validation with it. It will not stop all of the silly people who are after something besides what we are here for! Flag them and be done with it. You will soon learn to spot these ones daily!

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