RE:Encountering Clothed Hikers

Deep creek is still flowing. Expect the groups to to a day trip near thanksgiving.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Encountering Clothed Hikers

Very interesting! I always thought that Europe was more at ease with social nudity, so to hear it's illegal in France is news to me. I know there are nude beaches in the French Riveria, and I assume they are officially sanctioned. Am I correct? Thanks.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Encountering Clothed Hikers

Very interesting! I always thought that Europe was more at ease with social nudity, so to hear it's illegal in France is news to me. I know there are nude beaches in the French Riveria, and I assume they are officially sanctioned. Am I correct? Thanks.

In the UK it is not illegal to walk naked, as long as your not seen to cause distress to others, obviously i wouldnt go naked down the high street or past a school, but i do tend to walk quiet paths and try to avoid textiles

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  • 2 years ago