Yes, Phil things have really taken off and I'm really excited about the prospects! Out the outset I had planned on trying to organize an outing once we had ten members and as of today we are almost there. I think we will be able to get something organized soon and it will be great to have a good group of nudists to share the lifestyle and socialize with. Thanks for all of your wonderful suggestions and able assistance!
Hehe, as Swifty would say, No worries Mate!
You'll have to organise a fact finding mission to the UK, so you can come visit! :)
LOLactually I may have to visit the UK in the near future. I met two wonderful English ladies during my Mediterranean cruise last November and have promised to come for a visit.
Yes, Phil things have really taken off and I'm really excited about the prospects! Out the outset I had planned on trying to organize an outing once we had ten members and as of today we are almost there. I think we will be able to get something organized soon and it will be great to have a good group of nudists to share the lifestyle and socialize with. Thanks for all of your wonderful suggestions and able assistance!
Hehe, as Swifty would say, No worries Mate!
You'll have to organise a fact finding mission to the UK, so you can come visit! :)
LOLactually I may have to visit the UK in the near future. I met two wonderful English ladies during my Mediterranean cruise last November and have promised to come for a visit.
Well, I don't think I'm going anywhere soon, not unless I fall off the twig :) so if you can manage to get down to this neck of the woods while you're here, It would be great to spend some time with you, even put you up for a day or two if you don't mind roughing it in my now very humble abode. Drop me a mail nearer the time, I'm sure we could sort something out (if you don't mind eating lettuce :) just kidding, I do also eat tomatoes too!
Yes, Phil things have really taken off and I'm really excited about the prospects! Out the outset I had planned on trying to organize an outing once we had ten members and as of today we are almost there. I think we will be able to get something organized soon and it will be great to have a good group of nudists to share the lifestyle and socialize with. Thanks for all of your wonderful suggestions and able assistance!
Hehe, as Swifty would say, No worries Mate!
You'll have to organise a fact finding mission to the UK, so you can come visit! :)
LOLactually I may have to visit the UK in the near future. I met two wonderful English ladies during my Mediterranean cruise last November and have promised to come for a visit.
Well, I don't think I'm going anywhere soon, not unless I fall off the twig :) so if you can manage to get down to this neck of the woods while you're here, It would be great to spend some time with you, even put you up for a day or two if you don't mind roughing it in my now very humble abode. Drop me a mail nearer the time, I'm sure we could sort something out (if you don't mind eating lettuce :) just kidding, I do also eat tomatoes too!
Oh definitely Phil, when I manage a trip to the UK certainly Id not want to miss the chance to meet you. Luckily for you I do rather enjoy both lettuce and tomato.
Yes, Phil things have really taken off and I'm really excited about the prospects! Out the outset I had planned on trying to organize an outing once we had ten members and as of today we are almost there. I think we will be able to get something organized soon and it will be great to have a good group of nudists to share the lifestyle and socialize with. Thanks for all of your wonderful suggestions and able assistance!
Hehe, as Swifty would say, No worries Mate!
You'll have to organise a fact finding mission to the UK, so you can come visit! :)
LOLactually I may have to visit the UK in the near future. I met two wonderful English ladies during my Mediterranean cruise last November and have promised to come for a visit.
Well, I don't think I'm going anywhere soon, not unless I fall off the twig :) so if you can manage to get down to this neck of the woods while you're here, It would be great to spend some time with you, even put you up for a day or two if you don't mind roughing it in my now very humble abode. Drop me a mail nearer the time, I'm sure we could sort something out (if you don't mind eating lettuce :) just kidding, I do also eat tomatoes too!
Oh definitely Phil, when I manage a trip to the UK certainly Id not want to miss the chance to meet you. Luckily for you I do rather enjoy both lettuce and tomato.
Hehe, I look forward to it, if you give me enough warning, I'll try and organise some cucumber, and even an onion or two!
This post is intended primarily for the membership of the North Texas Naturists (NTN) group. Out of the ten who have joined, I still have email addresses for only five members (including me) and havent been able to email our membership survey to the others. Of the surveys emailed, I have only received three replies (including mine). I have attempted to contact those who havent provided email addresses and/or havent responded to the survey to remind you that the deadline for the completed surveys is April 20 via a post to our group thread and by sending out private messages. Only three members have viewed the post and I know that some may not have their accounts set up to receive email notification when they have received private messages here on the site. So as a last reminder, Im posting here in hopes that you may see it. We really would like to get an event organized for May and Id like your opinions and input to be represented. Some of you I expect only want to be a part of our online group and dont have any plans to participate in the actual outings but I do hope we get more than just the current three of us who want to share a group outing.
Also, we now have a North Texas Naturists web site
Since we are not selling anything and are a part of the larger community here at TN and not in competition, I feel providing our site address isnt violating the TOS. Everyone is invited to take a look and comment on the site which gives information on our club.
Hey!!!! Just had a quick look! ......GOOD JOB!!!!!! have been a busy boy :)
Oh lord, Philyou dont know the half of it! LOL Ive never attempted to build a web site before and even with the dummy proof software provided by the hosting company, it took me over a week to figure out how to use the thing half way competently. Still it was fun and hopefully will increase our presence in our area. Thanks for the encouragement!