Why tails ???

Why do animals have tails ?

I always wonder, why do they have them? Apart from animals who use it for locomotion, as fish, and for hanging, as monkeys, some animals seem to do nothing with their tails.

I've read once that lizardsare caught bythe predators fromtheir tails, so they get rid ofit and leave itwith the predator and run away.
Here tailsare not an advatage.

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RE: Why tails ???

Cats use for balance, dogs to show emotion, some animals as fly-swatters!

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RE: Why tails ???

Lizards lose their tails to prevent them from being dinner, go home, relax, and grow another one. I'd say that's fairly advantagous.

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RE: Why tails ???

Lizards lose their tails to prevent them from being dinner, go home, relax, and grow another one. I'd say that's fairly advantagous. Mike

But they were caught from their tails. Then why do they grow it again? I mean that lizards' tails are the thing that they are caught from. "a disadvantage"

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RE: Why tails ???

Well, I found something useful about tails.

In mice and rats "as lab animals", when we inject them intravenouslywe select a vein in their tail

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RE: Why tails ???

We humans lost our tails, after we were walking on our rear paws

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