Bed & Breakfast in Germany close to the Dutch border
Barefoot Joined: 07/22/2008
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
42 posts
Rules for posting
8 months ago
- Sexually Suggestive Topics will be deleted.
- Topics promoting Other websites or deemed SPAM will be deleted.
- Trolling or posts deemed to be rude will be deleted
- No pornographic links
- Although it is not a deletable offense, please refrain from use of profanity.
- Any members unable to follow these rules will have their account locked on the forum, or account deleted depending on severity.
Im not trying to high jack this thread but it brings up a point of interest, at least to me. Exactly what does the policy: Topics promoting other websites or deemed SPAM will be deleted mean? Are we not allowed to post any links to other web sites? Clearly I understand that posting links for porn sites (but there is a separate rule for that) or perhaps for personal business sites that we benefit financially from (we should be paying the advertising rates here) or even sites that compete in the same space as True Nudists would be forbidden for the obvious common sense reasons. SPAM is also pretty clear cut; the practice of sending unsolicited bulk electronic communications, junk mail, or unsolicited and unwanted electronic messages with a commercial content to an indiscriminate set of recipients.
I have a nudist blog that I began last month which basically is a place where I post my own experiences and reflections relating to the nudist lifestyle and new discoveries I make. It doesnt contain any photographs that most normal people would find offensive and I purposely avoid anything that would be controversial or that might prompt someone to flag it as adult content. My intent is that it serves as my own personal contribution toward advocating social nudism in a positive way so I would like to have a wide audience. It contains no commercial content or ads of any kind and I do not benefit financially from anyone visiting it. I had thought a couple of times about posting a link to it in the event others here might be interested in reading it but havent because of this rule. I didnt want to violate the TOS here. So that is the reason Im asking this question.
It seems this post was simply someone sharing information on a nudist location. Given the recent issues brought up in another forum about how getting locations added, especially for those outside the U.S., has not seemed to be working very well, it seems a harmless way to bring locations to the attention of others. It isnt really SPAM in that everyone can choose to click on the link or not. In a sense I could agree it does after a fashion promote a web site outside TN but not one that is in competition within the space occupied by TN. Having not clicked on the link myself, I cant say whether the site is a porn site or not, but I rather suspect it isnt.
It was posted in the Nudist Resort thread but perhaps the person would have been more correct had they posted it to the European Locations thread. But still I think they got close enough. It doesnt make much sense to me to post information about a nudist club, resort or B &B that has a web site and then not include a link for others to investigate if they are so inclined.
Im not trying to be argumentative but just seeking to understand exactly what the rule intent is.
I'm afraid have to disagree with you nuderunr. At first sight, I too thought that cuddlebutton was possibly being a bit overzealous. However, upon reflection, given that after being here for two months, Photographer, despite his name, has only one pic, a very brief profile, only six friends, and two, now three forum posts, I find that I am inclined to conclude, that his main reason for being here, is simply to promote his business for free. There is no indication that a donation has been made, let alone a paid advertisement, or any other visible suggestion of a contribution or participation of any kind. We are only here because of the good will and hard work of one man, plus the revenue from our sponsors and kind donations of some members. It is a difficult area to define, but we do need to guard against the possibility of the forum being over run with this kind of promotion and personal adds. I too feel that promotion of a small facility, that is of interest and benefit to the members, could on occasion, and under some circumstances, be overlooked. But in this instance, for the reasons mention, I think the objection is justified.
I'm afraid have to disagree with you nuderunr. At first sight, I too thought that cuddlebutton was possibly being a bit overzealous. However, upon reflection, given that after being here for two months, Photographer, despite his name, has only one pic, a very brief profile, only six friends, and two, now three forum posts, I find that I am inclined to conclude, that his main reason for being here, is simply to promote his business for free. There is no indication that a donation has been made, let alone a paid advertisement, or any other visible suggestion of a contribution or participation of any kind. We are only here because of the good will and hard work of one man, plus the revenue from our sponsors and kind donations of some members. It is a difficult area to define, but we do need to guard against the possibility of the forum being over run with this kind of promotion and personal adds. I too feel that promotion of a small facility, that is of interest and benefit to the members, could on occasion, and under some circumstances, be overlooked. But in this instance, for the reasons mention, I think the objection is justified
Ah then of course that makes all the difference. I would never defend someone posting something to further their own business interests as a ruse to avoid doing the right thing by contributing the appropriate advertising rates to TN. Based on the ad space information on the home page, rates seem so very reasonable. I stand corrected Phil, of and course I not only understand your reason for disagreeing, but appreciate that you thoughtfully provided me with a clearer picture of this particular issue. Thanks again for your contributions! You have been such an agreeable acquaintance here and have helped me more than you know to feel a part of the community.
How can we discus a new place without a link to a new place????????
Where's the discussion? In addition, for many of us, the site isn't in english. If you wish to discuss it, tell us what it's like, your experience, why it's a special/nice place. But just placing a link to the site leaves nothing for a 'forum' to discuss. Engage your viewers tell us why you like the place, and then, if someone's interested, share the link through email. The posting of 'just' a link is on a very fine line of just promoting, or advertising this place.
We're always up for discussion about nice places, and adventures, as well as sharing experiences, just look at the number of our posts. Engage us and we'll jump in. But the issue of advertising vs. discussion is a primary concern of someone (TT1)who's paying for a free site initially and mostly of their own assets so that all of us can participate in open discussion and ideas.
Start a discussion...
I'm afraid have to disagree with you nuderunr. At first sight, I too thought that cuddlebutton was possibly being a bit overzealous. However, upon reflection, given that after being here for two months, Photographer, despite his name, has only one pic, a very brief profile, only six friends, and two, now three forum posts, I find that I am inclined to conclude, that his main reason for being here, is simply to promote his business for free. There is no indication that a donation has been made, let alone a paid advertisement, or any other visible suggestion of a contribution or participation of any kind. We are only here because of the good will and hard work of one man, plus the revenue from our sponsors and kind donations of some members. It is a difficult area to define, but we do need to guard against the possibility of the forum being over run with this kind of promotion and personal adds. I too feel that promotion of a small facility, that is of interest and benefit to the members, could on occasion, and under some circumstances, be overlooked. But in this instance, for the reasons mention, I think the objection is justified
Ah then of course that makes all the difference. I would never defend someone posting something to further their own business interests as a ruse to avoid doing the right thing by contributing the appropriate advertising rates to TN. Based on the ad space information on the home page, rates seem so very reasonable. I stand corrected Phil, of and course I not only understand your reason for disagreeing, but appreciate that you thoughtfully provided me with a clearer picture of this particular issue. Thanks again for your contributions! You have been such an agreeable acquaintance here and have helped me more than you know to feel a part of the community.
Thank you for your kind words, it's a good feeling to know that I have been of help and that it is appreciated, seems I am good for something! ...just wish it had been making money! lol.