nudists at resort

we live full time at a resort we see amazon prime , Fed Ex, UPS come through here all the time ! when we first moved here use to cover up but then asked my self why? one of these days will have my picture taken when I'm outside naked and they ask for directions , happened more then once next time will take a pic!

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RE:nudists at resort

How many hours a week do you wear anything on average in warm weather?

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RE:nudists at resort

about 2 hours enough for errands

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RE:nudists at resort

You must be very efficient at this.
Do you drive nude and dress when you get there?

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RE:nudists at resort

One more question.
Do you have very little clothing since you rarely wear any?

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RE:nudists at resort

we still have a closet full for those rare occasions like weddings and stuff, most of our washing machine is our bed sheets and about 20 towels ,

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RE:nudists at resort

One couple on another board said that they bought a full body warm air dryer so they eliminated most of the towels too.

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RE:nudists at resort

well us nudists have to sit on some

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RE:nudists at resort

Probably should have said some instead of most.
Towels would last longer between washing if you just sat on them instead of using them to dry off.

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RE:nudists at resort

we use some inside ,some outside , some down by pool almost same time they all add up

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