RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Speaking not of resorts but of public beaches - Desert Rat's rules are the only sensible ones. I've taken my own camera down to Beach 67, tripod and all, to document the place. I let people know I was taking pictures to be posted on a nudist website, and chose angles to include only those who didn't mind being in the photo. I didn't get written permissions, but then the pictures I used don't render anyone's faces but my own in a recognizable way. At Lands End, San Francisco, I've been asked - and have granted - permission for my picture to be taken. At that beach, and here at Kehena, I've seen evidently professional portrait / art photoshoots in progress. I'm sure there are lots of cameras at these public locations, and always have been. It's good to expect the courtesy Desert Rat suggests, but, really: If an at-a-distance, innocent, anonymous photo gets out there somewhere, the likelihood of harm is miniscule.
The more serious problem is the socially dampening effect when someone is obviously lurking at the fringes for the specific purpose of sneaking photos: that's when the Rules should be proclaimed, loud and long.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Nudists who are worried about being seen because they are ashamed of their lifestyle should stay away from public places. They are pereventing nudism from being accepted as a normal and natural way of life.Sorry but I can't agree!
Nudists are not ashamed of their lifestyle, yes some are circumspect and respectful of the feelings of others. And if more nudists were respectful of 'others' then perhaps we would have more nude venues but sadly there will always be nude people who bring sex into the lifestyle.
How can any nudist who is not seen in public be preventing nudism? Yes they may not be actively helping the lifestyle by showing themselves in public but that hardly equals prevention.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I agree with rebenbare. There are certain activities that are "acceptable" by society and some that are stigmatized. Working on your car is acceptable. You would not be shunned by anyone if you "came out" at a party and announced you work on your own car. Now some people won't care, but they will not hold it against you.If you said you were a nudist, you would have some peoplewho willwant to talk to you about it. Some will diss you because society has not accepted it (yet), and they want to be vocal to show off to others that they are speaking for society as a whole. Then there are the silent ones. Some will not care. Some will shun you w/o telling you why. The rest want to talk to you but fear those vocal ones wrath too. Maybe society will evolve. I can only hope.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I think it is a good policy not to have them at nudist locations because it keeps the privacy of the members and visitors. However, I have seen cell phones more at the club I visit. These also have cameras. Not sure how to address this since people do need there cell phones more. How does ones privacy get protected. I always leave mine in my car and turn it off. I check it periodically in the car to make sure I respect the rules.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I remember one time when I wasn't always able to be reached by phone. That lasted for ....... oh.... eighty years. How did I survive????

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

more clothing optional beaches????
Probably fewer must wear clothing beaches!

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Now the younger generation has to be available second by second by texting!
I too grew up before electronic phones, answering machines etc. As a youngster, the telephone was not an important communication device for me. I simply got on my bike and rode over to a friends place to ask if he could play. If he couldn't, well I rode back, and played outside doing something else, or what the heck, I'm all ready on my bike, i'm going riding around! The excercise we kids got back then simply from going from one place to another in order to communicate is nothing comparable to what kids do these days. They are missing out on so much more than exercise and socializing. How about the simple joy of being outside to feel the wind blowing through your hair, or the sun on your back, etc.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Unfortuneately having cameras in every phone has had a negative effect on the spontaneous nudity we used to see at the biking and running, and canoeevents we attend. It used to be common place for everyone to strip and get into the river along the bike ride on a hot summer day but now people are too scared of being photographed. Wonder how many people now don't have that opportunity to discover they like nudism because of too many idiots with cameras?

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Authorities are not concerned with the pervs. They are only concerned with thenudists the pervs are watching.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I was reading yesterday about Google Glass and from what I read a lot of the sun glass manufacturers are getting onto the Google Glass band wagon, and if anyone watched "the Crazy Ones" with Robin Williams they were showing how someone could be taking a picture while you just thought the were looking at you. So I see this as a point of concern for people who are worried about having their picture taken. I for one years ago when they first added camera's to phones gave up the idea that I would never have a photo taken on myself without my knowledge. I am sure it has happened, I know it has happened to my wife because I have sen her in photo's posted on line.

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