Nudity and Wellness

Many of you will have by now seen the Kate Moss video where she has stripped off and goes for a skinny dip - all in the name of wellness. If you haven't here's a link (hope that's 'okay'):

This is not the first time nudism and wellness have been linked by a major business; some of you may have seen my previous references to nudism as a form of wellness being promoted via a health insurance company here in Australia. Apparently Gwyneth Paltrow did the same for her business Goop.

Celebrities have long had a love-hate relationship with nudity. Many of them have used nudity to simply bring attention upon themselves to advance their 'take' from the pool of commerce. But here we are a couple of them are starting to say, nope I love being nude, it makes me feel better.

So I am asking - is the public tide of opinion changing on the nudism and nudity issue? Are we starting to see a mainstream realisation of the benefits of being nude? Will these celebrities lead us to the time when nudism in a public space will be publicly acceptable and no longer deemed indecent?

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RE:Nudity and Wellness

May i share this on another nudism site? Its so worth sharing.

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RE:Nudity and Wellness

When a nude celebrity is shown in something other than a tabloid it will probably help make open nudity more acceptable. If it only makes the tabloids, then nothing will be gained. When local TV stations do a piece on nudist resorts, camps, or beaches, it will be a big step forward if they did not snicker and laugh so much.

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RE:Nudity and Wellness

Absolutely - with full credits of course!! Please go ahead.

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RE:Nudity and Wellness

Oh please understand this video clip appeared in more than the Evening Standard - they were one of few who didn't pixelate Kate's body.

The tabloids will always pick up something like this no matter where it appeared first or even mostly - as that's their stock and trade; to sensationalise. I think we have to accept that the tabloid media will never cease this and we have to look beyond that to what's really happening.

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