Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

Someone who was 90 years old recounted what happened at his arrival at Officers Candidate School.
After arrival, all the new candidates (all male) were taken into a room.
The officer in charge told them to take all of their clothing off and they would be issued uniforms.
They stripped to their underwear and the officer reminded them that he said all of their clothing, so they removed their underwear.
Each candidate was then given a box and told to put all of their clothing in it, seal it and write their home address on it.
The boxes were then taken away,
When they were finally issued uniforms, the first thing they were given was hats.

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

Which Officers Candidate School?

Is this something we can fact check?

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

Navy. I knew him well enough to believe he wouldn't lie.

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

1971, Navy boot camp NTC San Diego.

Arrived at 6am and the first thing they did, besides yell at us, they marched us up to the barber shop where they cut all our hair off. Next, they marched us to a building where we were issued all our uniforms and boots. We were then marched to barracks where we were assigned bunks, lockers and told to take all our civilian clothes off, put them in the provided box, seal it, address it and change into the uniform of the day. I didn't want to have to wear boxers, but they were issued, and they checked to make sure you had them on. I looked forward to bedtime and lights out to get outta those damn things!

There was plenty of nudity, but they did not force us to get naked outside of the barracks building. I was not an officer candidate so I'm a little skeptical of the idea that an OCS candidate/candidates would be subjected to this.

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

1971, Navy boot camp NTC San Diego.Arrived at 6am and the first thing they did, besides yell at us, they marched us up to the barber shop where they cut all our hair off. Next, they marched us to a building where we were issued all our uniforms and boots. We were then marched to barracks where we were assigned bunks, lockers and told to take all our civilian clothes off, put them in the provided box, seal it, address it and change into the uniform of the day. I didn't want to have to wear boxers, but they were issued, and they checked to make sure you had them on. I looked forward to bedtime and lights out to get outta those damn things!There was plenty of nudity, but they did not force us to get naked outside of the barracks building. I was not an officer candidate so I'm a little skeptical of the idea that an OCS candidate/candidates would be subjected to this.

Not that different from what you experienced except it sounds like you already had the uniform in your possession when you stripped and put your clothing in the box.

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

That seems a much more civilised way to do things. Perhaps your friend was misremembering.

Or just embellishing a story for you.

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

That seems a much more civilised way to do things. Perhaps your friend was misremembering.Or just embellishing a story for you.

He thought it was to show that even though they were in OCS, they still were relatively low on the totem pole and had to obey orders.

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RE:Interesting situation that wouldn't happen today

I remember a film I seen once, think it was called The Bawsack Redemption.

Anyway, it was about guys going to jail, they marched a bus load in stripped then naked, deloused and hosed them down, then again, naked, marched then into the cells.

Not sure if it has anything to do with nudism, but guys were naked so. Worthy of note.

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