A naked home office hello.

Just a naked home office hello to all the other nude home office people out there. Would love to hear how your naked day is going, I'm a small time , business owner so I get the luxury of working naked from my office.

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RE:A naked home office hello.

Working naked is a great time!

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RE:A naked home office hello.

On a quiet day, I try to go naked too. If it's a busy one, or cam required while I'm WFH, I'll donald duck. Would be cool to chat with others who also work like this.

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RE:A naked home office hello.

hello there

here working nude for most days from home. only one in office meeting a week, the rest online, so just a shirt will do.
and ofcourse a post-it on my screen saying PANTS, so I will not accidently get up during a meeting for another coffee.

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