Much of my driving this summer has been in short shorts and nothing elseStill feeling confined and overdressed.I guess next summer I should take the plunge and drive nude.Why wait for summer? Does your car have heating???I'm actually debating that right now, for a 300 mile trip later this week. It's still cold here (40s F) but I find it so much more comfortable to take long trips nude. The car will be comfortably warm, and it's actually easier to maintain an even body temp without clothes--you get overheated with clothes on, then you open the window and get chilled. I've made the trip in cold weather before, I guess it's just a matter of dealing with clothes on and off at origin and destination (less convenient in long sweats). When I drive nude, it's totally bare (feet too). I get no enjoyment of driving half-undressed.
I do get enjoyment from driving in just shorts because I like to drive with the top off of the car and would feel to exposed driving nude with the top down.
Ive just joined the group and look forward to reading about others joy of driving nude. I have, in the past, driven fully nude and enjoyed it very much. I havent done so in years now. However, I do drive dressed in only an open robe to take my daughter to work when she works the day shift (6:00 AM - 2:00 PM) and to pick her up from work when se works the swing shift (2:00 PM -10:00 PM). Though she doesnt participate in nudism she does tolerate mine when were alone, minus Grandma and daughter).
To expand on this subject, we do have an attached garage and so I, in the past, did enter/exit and drove my vehicle fully nude. Additionally, I did so both in interstate and surface streets in my enclosed vehicles. Once I drove into my garage and exited wearing only a shirt button up shirt, leaving the door open when I heard someone behind me. As I turned to see who it was I saw my next door neighbor walking away. I slipped on my shorts and went to ask what he wanted. I dont recall his answer but the subject of my bare butt never came up,
I've only driven naked on holiday but I did manage to make three videos of drive and one of refueling.
The links (if you are interested) are first drive, second drive, third drive, refuelling AND one of moving the car onto the road outside for a large delivery.
Re my debating the other day on whether to turn a cold weather trip nude, I managed 200 miles nude of the 300 mile trip. It took 10 miles to get out of town and warm the compartment temperature and then I decided what was I thinking, of course its a nude driving trip. Commando in sweats and slipons, no socks. A problem free nude drive. Temp outside increased about 25 degrees over the day and driving south. Will assess again for return trip.