RE:Sexual Preference

"We'll, there's all sorts of demographic information that can go in a profile so it's not surprising it's one that comes up, and one that members are generally happy to share.

I'd expect that a community that is somewhat outside of societal norms, like nudism, would be more likely to attract those who are comfortable with being outside those norms in more than one dimension. "

I like the thought that one being outside the social norms, one is possibly more comfortable with other activities outside the social norms. Many people want to be "open" and "free" but are held back by internal and external boundaries. As you break through some of those boundaries, you find other boundaries falling away. If you can be open with your sexuality, you can be open with your body and visa versa.
Keep in mind, in my opinion, open sexuality and open body are not the same thing. Could be looked upon as two facets of the same lifestyle...
Having said that, why does sexual preference need to be indicated on a Nudist website? Again, in my opinion, if we are here because we enjoy being naked, then why should it matter what preference the other person is? Common ground is being free of clothes plus being open about & relaxed with our selves.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

Why is sexual preference on a nudist site? Well, it certainly doesn't have to be. But we-all-like-to-get-naked is not really a lot of commonality, and the various conversation-starters on the profiles - from favorite movies to income level - can be helpful. And they're all optional, so you can set your own tone on that one. Since one of the tick boxes for why you're on here is "dating", sexual preference would seem to be directly relevant there. I do wonder when I notice a profile that's on here for dating, but does NOT give a sexual preference. Really?

I put myself down as "gay" because I'm married to a man, and if I identify as married without specifying that I'm gay, any conversation that goes on for a while is going to hit this weird disclosure bump I'd just as soon head off.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

I started the thread and it is not an issue for me either.I engage in conversations with men on this site without considering their sexual preference.Doesn't make a difference if I am conversing with someone in person either.I was just curious because there seems to be a much higher proportion of gay men on nudist sites than in the population as a whole and wondered if anyone had an idea as to why,

Hetro men join a naturist site in the hope of seeing naked women and not because they are naturists.

I imagine its the same with gay men.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

I see plenty of naked women all the time living full time at a nude resort. I joined TN because I want to 'meet' and interact with other nudists and learn more about the lifestyle all over the world. Seeing more nude women is certainly a lovely perk for being on this website, but it is not the main reason for my attendance.

As to the percentages of gay nudists versus gay non-nudists, I think we see a lot of bi and gays on this website because the forum is an open exchange and we are all free to vent our more personal attitudes and let our minds go wherever they want to go compared to more typical circles of conversation. On a personal level, the homosexuals and bi people I met in my earlier life were often very focused on sexual pursuits, but the older I've gotten (and with the average age of my gay/bi/try-anything friends also going up), I feel like I run into more and more in the real world who don't chase the sexual rabbit any more, satisfied with one monogamous partner. Additionally, that seems pretty much how my heterosexual friends have become, but this is nothing more than generalizing on my part and not assisting this topic along much. So I suggest here that it shouldn't matter what sexual preference a TN contributor claims, or if they don't claim a damned thing in their info. Profiles are here to help us learn more about each other, and some choose to keep that sexual preference entry blank.

I think it is highly problematic for any nude resort to begin asking possible visitors any sexual preference questions during their check-in phase. I would never consider visiting a place where that is the case, whether it be offered on the phone when I call to make reservations or through some inappropriate rules of etiquette on their website. Inclusiveness should be the rule, though not only because of the way nudists and naturists are often subjected to discrimination outside of our fences.

I started the thread and it is not an issue for me either.I engage in conversations with men on this site without considering their sexual preference.Doesn't make a difference if I am conversing with someone in person either.I was just curious because there seems to be a much higher proportion of gay men on nudist sites than in the population as a whole and wondered if anyone had an idea as to why,Hetro men join a naturist site in the hope of seeing naked women and not because they are naturists.I imagine its the same with gay men.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

I see plenty of naked women all the time living full time at a nude resort. I think it is highly problematic for any nude resort to begin asking possible visitors any sexual preference questions during their check-in phase. I would never consider visiting a place where that is the case, whether it be offered on the phone when I call to make reservations or through some inappropriate rules of etiquette on their website. Inclusiveness should be the rule, though not only because of the way nudists and naturists are often subjected to discrimination outside of our fences.

Sadly many who dont have a real life social nude life are simply here to see naked people in photos or on camera based on there sexual orientation.

IMO if nudist venue should not ask about sexual orientation neither should a nudist web site. I think it was a fatal design flaw and the beginnings of this site (I was one of the first twenty five members before leaving and returning) because it created confusion by conflating a nude dating site and a nudist site. The creation of the sister site focused on sexual hookups did not do anything to take confusion away since the options for reasons for being here still list a relationship. That along with the sexual categorization option continues the problem.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

The irony here is as often as you all lose your shit over even the thought of anything sex related creeping up in any way because you want to maintain the separation of nudity to sex, yet here you all are debating the existence of LGBT+ and why sexual orientation should even be included on this website because you CAN'T separate LGBT+ from sex.

Sexual orientation/attraction isn't automatically associated into sex. (Can't wait for the first genius to say BLARG THE WORD SEX IS THERE). Like I said before, we struggle enough as it is for visibility, and it's easier for us to find like-minded individuals within our own community than to roll the dice and hope the person in front of us doesn't start spouting their obsolete world views.

While its no guarantee I won't run in to problematic LGBT+ people, the chances are significantly lower. I can talk about new recipies my husband found on the internet without the person in front of me freaking out because a cisman just said "his husband". Sexual orientation isn't just about sex. It's about the people we choose to love (or not love). It's about experiences as a couple. It's about all the things hetero people take for granted because your existence to be you isn't challenged. FFS, this thread exists. It shouldn't, but here we are. Lawd have mercy if there's too many of us on a web site, because now that merits discussion?

And you want to just erase us further by questioning why its even an option on this site?

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

There you go again adventures in missing the point.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

And you remain a prime example why visibility is important so that us LGBT+ know whom to avoid.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

Most users - homeclothesfree included - identify themselves as straight on their profiles. May we assume that such users are, therefore, on here as heterosexual horndogs? I didn't think so. So kindly return the favor to those of us who identify as gay.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Sexual Preference

And you remain a prime example why visibility is important so that us LGBT+ know whom to avoid.

I love how you choose to speak for every LGBTQIA+ individual. And I love how others in the LGBTQIA+ community are empowered to speak for themselves and speak their truth even as you try to make your truth apply to everyone else.

Instead of reading the thread a understanding the full nature of the conversation and commenting in that you choose to push out your opinion and agenda against anyone and who perceive doesnt follow it conflating issues of visibility of people who identify as LGBTQIA+ with the OP that questions whether people with those identities were more inclined to nudity/nudism IMO feeds the stereotypes that have plagues the nudist community for a long time. If you are one of the people who wants to be known and engaged through one singular identity then more power to you. I wish you would stop hijacking conversations with that agenda.

But you know what far be it from me to tell you what to do with your life. You do you.

This post was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago