RE:Lone man

Well, you're both probably right that it was a fantasy. But I knew two people that met at a nudist event sponsored by an FKK group and got introduced to each other that way. They were both young, though..

I for one wasnt saying relationships dont happen at nudist venues. Naturists arent asexual they have relationships and they have sex. It was more of the way it was presented like single man goes to nudist venue meets woman and immediately she is available for sex. Do casual hookups happen? yes but as others have suggested not the way this person depicts that sounds much more like the single male looking for sex at nudist venue fantasy.

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RE:Lone man

2022 and still some nudist clubs are taboo to single male or they make the admission cost crazy $$ , here three ideas not just for nudist in utah but anywhere - google nudist travel clubs in your area or contact AANR for help locating one they travel as a group to landed clubs have house parties or rent out facilities that may have a pool . or form your own nudist travel club put a listing here or in a community paper . last find a male - gay nudist club/resort no rule says you have to be bi , gay , queer or other just be yourself it's no different than a coed club/resort other than all guys.

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RE:Lone man

I have not known that gay or bi guys are not discriminated in this state what so ever. Not easily found on the web but there are men only clubs here. The Club near ours certainly is open to all and men are still a 10-1 ratio. Utah might be like Iowa and the search needs a deeper dive to find what you are looking for. Press on brother.

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RE:Lone man

I can relate to that. I visited resorts for close to 20 years with my wife and after my divorce I wasn't allowed in because I'm now a "single man". They will give you a lot of reasons why we should be okay with being treated like a predator but in the end it is blatant discrimination. If there is a problem with a single man (or anyone else), it should be addressed with that person only. I know this is probably not a popular opinion but it is exactly how I feel as a single man and I know I'm not alone.

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