RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

I have never been arrested for being nude but I do have a written warning for being nude in a public park (we were on a canuding trip in a remote area), and I have also had my name and address taken by police for being nude on a public beach.The Naturist Action Committee (NAC) will not represent you or pay for your lawyer but they can be of assistance to you and your lawyer. A good starting point would be to contact the NAC Board Member or Area Representative responsible for your state.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

AANR also helps when someone is arrested for being nude in appropriate locations. The Government Affairs program has helped a number over the recent years with issues.
The first thing Arkasas needs is someone for a test case to have the unconstitutional law overturned. I would happily if I lived in that area. Flat Rock at Beaver Lake, AR used to have a nonlanded club but that disbanded a long time ago.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

Don't know about Arkansas, but in some places getting arrested for being nude in public may earn you a life long membership on the coveted sex offenders list. Still want to chance it?

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

Don't know about Arkansas, but in some places getting arrested for being nude in public may earn you a life long membership on the coveted sex offenders list. Still want to chance it?
Being on the sex offenders' list is tremendously despised, and you would become on society's SL. The situation at Penn State University greatly illustrates that.
For that reason, I would not chance it.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

.Being on the sex offenders' list is tremendously despised, and you would become on society's SL. The situation at Penn State University greatly illustrates that.For that reason, I would not chance it.Neither would I. Being on the list for public indecency, the public at large would see little, if any, distinction between you and the coach sodomizing that 10 year old in the shower. Being a rebel just ain't what it used to be.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

MAke sure you have read and understand the state law. Carry a cover-up. If the laws mentions the word intent then the cover-up provides some defense. But I hear Ark has a bad law and use caution. It is time somebody's arrest is taken to change the law but I would not want to do it intentionally.Maxx
Maxx, The Arkansas law states that nudism is not legal and in fact, you cannot even discuss it with someone of the opposite sex with whom you are not married. Intent is not mentioned in that law at all.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

In this case it's best to remain distant from such a state, rather not live there nor visit there. It feels like being governed by a bunch
of extremely narrow minded and self-righteous individuals.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

those laws sound like they belong 2 the donkeys ass state omg

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

those laws sound like they belong 2 the donkeys ass state omgYeah, it's time Mike Beebe was put out to grass, along with John Shannon.

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RE: What do I do if arrested for being nude?

Who do i contact about this..which organization has the best legal dept and my best chance of getting off the hook for in say..Arkansas?Easiest answer? Avoid putting yourself in a situation where you could be arrested while nude.

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