I have been thinking..

When I think about it, I have always had a small penis, flaccid, more a grower. And I think about the different states of my penis, from soft to hard. I think about all the different pleasures possible, the differences in sensation during the different stages. I have int he past, been concerned about size, but I embrace myself as myself. I appreciate others with small penises as well. Our penises are an extension of self, deserving celebration and enjoyment. We have all the abilities to find pleasure and give pleasure. We have all the rights to be naked and not feel any sort of shame or embarrassment.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Yes, the penis is the tip to the heart. Like an iceberg, not always imposing what you see, its power and understanding lay beneath the surface.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Couldn't agree more with both views. I've always felt that what makes a penis special is the guy it's attached to.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Yea its really amazing how much it can impact all aspects of life, as its such an extension of our full selves

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

i have gotten so many favorable comments from men here who have seen my small penis on cam. it is really quite astounding. i can't say that it happens very much in real life, but i also can't remember ever being made fun of.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

i have gotten so many favorable comments from men here who have seen my small penis on cam. it is really quite astounding. i can't say that it happens very much in real life, but i also can't remember ever being made fun of.

That is wonderful! I so enjoy hearing about positive experiences like yours! No one should ever be made fun of. Its also so nice to be appreciated, no reason not to. I agree with your prior admirers, you look wonderful!

I wish more men could experience this!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Indeed - I feel so incredibly proud of my small penis (I think it looks kindof great on me!) and think that it's absurd that the broader culture thinks it's something I should feel ashamed of.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Ive honestly never seen one I thought was too small. And I think its crucial for all of us to be proud and confident in who we are, which includes our smaller endowments. Thats the only way we can help each other to change the cycle of stigma, shame and insecurity about it. Dont hide it, celebrate it!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Indeed - I feel so incredibly proud of my small penis (I think it looks kindof great on me!) and think that it's absurd that the broader culture thinks it's something I should feel ashamed of.

I couldnt agree with you more! Hopefully guys like us can help cause a cultural shift in that way of thinking!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:I have been thinking..

Ive honestly never seen one I thought was too small. And I think its crucial for all of us to be proud and confident in who we are, which includes our smaller endowments. Thats the only way we can help each other to change the cycle of stigma, shame and insecurity about it. Dont hide it, celebrate it!

I completely agree with you and admire your mindset regarding this topic! Heres hoping groups and discussions like this help sway those less convinced that its okay to look and be just as you are!

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  • 2 years ago