A real treat

Nov 10th in northern Indiana is rarely 73F full sun and a light breeze. I got over 2 1/2 hours of full nudity in my backyard and was never chilled
in fact warmed enough to be glad for the breeze. I read a book about Kenya Africa and just as the sun went behind the pine tree, my neighbor
cranked up his music playing Africa by Toto complete with a line about the Serengeti which is in that area.
Windows open to air out the house too!

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RE:A real treat

Unusually warm in NJ that day, too.
A rare opportunity to some time nude outdoors in NJ.

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RE:A real treat

We spent Veterans Day at camp getting rid of some leaves and removing some thorn bushes from the back of our site so we can put in a gazebo in the spring. It was only 66F but since I was wearing an old sweatshirt and gloves to protect myself from the thorns, I still got really warm. When we finished I stripped and we rested in our cabin. When we decided to take a walk around camp I decided to remain nude and brought the sweatshirt. I was still warm enough that I never needed to put it on. One more warm day in the 70s today, then straight to the 40s for the foreseeable future. The warm weather was nice while it lasted.

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RE:A real treat

One more warm day in the 70s today, then straight to the 40s for the foreseeable future. The warm weather was nice while it lasted.

Thanks great good to enjoy warmer than usual fall days. Had that opportunity a couple weekends ago at the end of October and earlier this week mouth now it is back to colder temps this weekend.

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RE:A real treat

Saw a 40 degree temperature drop between Thursday and Friday afternoons from mid-sixties to mid-twenties in Central Wisconsin. As I drove north for home, the snow gradually got deeper. Think it may be here to stay this time. Mid-twenties outside do not make for comfortable nude time unless you are in the hot tub.

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