RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I met a guy at Studland wearing a cock ring. We discussed it at length and then he allowed me to remove it and then he fitted it on me. Then heremoved it and I fitted it back on him. interesting exercise!

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Studland beach is Englands most well known naturist beach. Right now it is fighting for its continued existence because of the unacceptable behaviour of a few perverts. Everyone who uses this beach knows this, but it seems one interesting experience is more important to some.

Woodsman thanks for taking on the social experiment, but its just like an underwire bra?


Sounds like just another excuse.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I met a guy at Studland wearing a cock ring. We discussed it at length and then he allowed me to remove it and then he fitted it on me. Then heremoved it and I fitted it back on him. interesting exercise!

With respect, and depending on the style of ring involved, I cannot help but think this trading of jewelry between strangers is way too personal an exchange in a public forum. Considering that both men were essentially handling each other's genitals during the transfer, the allowance of this kind of activity is what will probably make Studland into just another place lost to healthy social nudity -- unless this scene happened back in the dunes or otherwise out of view of the general population. Seeing two guys wandering back into the dunes lends the bare space an air of overt sexual activity. That has doomed many naturist's places. I don't care to bring my nude family for an afternoon of sun and fun anywhere near that adult action. All I'd hear would be, "Grampa, where are those men going? Is there a playground back there?" Why yes, there is a playground, but only for consenting adults - and this sort of sexualized interaction will likely ruin the natural place for wholesome nudism. It happened locally to the only beach we had, a nature preserve which allowed nudism to be practiced until a sexual element began and became news and the authorities did what they had to do to stop people fucking around on the sand in view of everyone.

A more 'interesting exercise' would be to keep hands to oneself on a public beach, and try to remember that the bigger picture is more important than any instant gratification achieved by the tempt of intimate contact, and the likely attachment of libidinous-driven action to nudism by those people who don't know any better. Instead, exercise restraint - keep nude beaches out of controversy and keep them open.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

WW, is the interesting experience a genuine encounter, or just a piece of fantasy fiction. It doesnt matter.

If true, did it happen in full view of others or in private in the dunes. It doesnt matter.

If someone is looking to shut down a naturist beach they can come to this website and say here is the evidence, point directly to the interesting experience and say this is whats happening.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

The underlying issue is fantasy or not these individual only care about their own experience and have little regard for the impact their "interesting exercise" has on others who just want to enjoy the beach clothes free. Sadly this is what it has come to for nudism and naturism and the result will be the continued loss of public spaces for non sexual social nudism.
A more 'interesting exercise' would be to keep hands to oneself on a public beach, and try to remember that the bigger picture is more important than any instant gratification achieved by the tempt of intimate contact, and the likely attachment of libidinous-driven action to nudism by those people who don't know any better. Instead, exercise restraint - keep nude beaches out of controversy and keep them open.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Nudists nudist need to stop trying to justify this kind of thing in the name of openness. Not everything that is possible is useful. Every movement and sustainable group has boundaries and guardrails. When people who call themselves nudists advocate for no limits it makes me wonder about motives. The no limits approach has never worked out for the nudist community to its benefit and it isnt now. After all even swingers have rules.
Studland beach is Englands most well known naturist beach. Right now it is fighting for its continued existence because of the unacceptable behaviour of a few perverts. Everyone who uses this beach knows this, but it seems one interesting experience is more important to some.Woodsman thanks for taking on the social experiment, but its just like an underwire bra?Seriously?Sounds like just another excuse.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

To me it seems like a sexual encounter more than anything, handling each others genitals, strangers too. Call me a prude if you want but I don't think it's appropriate at a public CO beach. I've had two unusual encounters at a beach I go regarding piercings. A guy walked past me to go swimming, I was sitting in the shallows, it was hot. He said hello, I asked did his piercing hurt when he had it done (I had been thinking of getting one), we talked a bit and went separate ways. Another day a different guy saw me look at his piercing, he offered to go into the dunes so I could get a closer look, I declined and walked on. I guess he is like lots of men who proposition women at every opportunity, and some do.

These beaches were legalised for us to be able to swim, get sun and walk the beach naked if we want. At too many of our legal CO beaches sex happens in the dunes and it sometimes causes complaints to authorities from passers by. Those passers by know they are on a CO beach usually and accept that they will see nude people there, sadly mostly men these days, but I'm guessing they don't usually expect to see sexual encounters.

I don't care what people do at home or in each others homes were everyone is a consulting adult. I love being nude at the beach too but don't believe the beaches should be used for sex. My concern is that this behaviour will get our CO beaches closed.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

What people do and wear in private is indeed their own business. However, some people seem intent on bringing their private sexual lives into the public sphere and use clothing optional beaches as a venue and excuse for that. They make up all kinds of excuses to justify this action. The resulting impact for genuine nudists seems to be of no consequence to them.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

And as is usually the case the person who had the interesting experience has no come back on why he is the problem.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

StevieLorna wrote:
Woodsman thanks for taking on the social experiment, but its just like an underwire bra?

I didn't say anything about an underwire bra. I meant the sort of bra that women sometimes use in athletics. Here in the US we call that a sports bra. It's mainly elastic, no wires needed.

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