RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

a simple cock-and-ball ring can also be worn as not a sexual signaling device but a means of comfort. And I have gone so far as to test that theory and have found it valid. So I'm going to make allowances for that.

Woodsman, thats an admiral opinion that I might admire if you can explained to me how you can tell the difference please.

Ill let the rest of the world know. Problem solved.

To the guy calling BS, Ill stop calling it a sexual device and start calling it jewellery when I see cock rings for sale in Tiffanys.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

This thread has become 27 pages of nudist culture wars on the weaponization of the cock ring. Call it Exhibit B on the death of a healthy nudist/naturist community. Exhibit A is the decline of this website.
I have a clear silicone cock ring myself and like how it makes my penis protude a bit, following the tradition those who know how to make a picture of white briefs less mundane. It's a reminder to improve my posture, strengthen my core, and watch my diet as I like most Western men have some pelvice anterior tilt (tucking in my groin from too much sitting) and excess belly fat (hanging over my groin). It is not a statement that I am against the concept that all nudity must be nonsexual and family oriented.
If I were to wear a cock ring to a nudist beach, I wouldn't be ashamed of it, but likely take it off because I don't want tan lines and it feels restrictive. If I kept it on, I doubt anyone would notice or care because my cock isn't particularly noteworthy with or without it. If it were more noticeable, like red or something, I personally would consider it like nail polish on women: noticable and not appealing to me. But why get worked up over others' choices? Or ask questions like "What would Jesus or Tiffany's do?"
Breathe. Relax. If you like to take your clothes off around other people, let your attitudes follow. The world won't end because people have different outlooks. And if you really think it will, stay safe in a straight jacket of your body and mind.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

The world won't end because people have different outlooks. And if you really think it will, stay safe in a straight jacket of your body and mind.

Absolutely, as Ive said on this thread many times I could care less what a few old men stick to their groin

My outlook is that is a sexual device sold as sex aid,. Tell me its for some other reason my outlook is not to believe you.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

This is rich coming from a person who comments and posts usually include world ending diatribes about victimization from the nudist community. I dont remember any one of us who have concerns about this issue being hyperbolic and saying the world is ending. However, it is factual reality that public spaces for social nudism and nude recreation could indeed come to an end if this way of thinking and behavior is not curbed. Doesnt seem to me that the c ring victims have any interest in that. The only interest is in I. I this I that. And forget families, forget women, forget the people who want to enjoy a non sexual day at a clothing optional beach. Forget the majority we are all just prudes and religious fanatics because we think somethings are not appropriate in public nudist settings.

It has been said before but what you do in private is what you do in private and I dont give a rip if you want to hang a boulder around your balls. But what we do in public impacts others. Putting the onus on everyone else to tolerate your actions that impact us is a type of toxic individuality that seems to be driving many of the mind boggling responses.

The world won't end because people have different outlooks. And if you really think it will, stay safe in a straight jacket of your body and mind.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I wrote:
a simple cock-and-ball ring can also be worn as not a sexual signaling device but a means of comfort. And I have gone so far as to test that theory and have found it valid. So I'm going to make allowances for that.

StevieLorna wrote:

Woodsman, thats an admiral opinion that I might admire if you can explained to me how you can tell the difference please.

Ill let the rest of the world know. Problem solved.

I posted something about that experiment about a month ago, and will repeat it here:

I posted something about a friend of mine who used a cock-and-ball ring, which he claimed made him more comfortable by pulling his scrotum forward so that his balls didn't get in the way of his sitting down or moving. One of the posters on the thread scoffed at the idea.Well, I was cleaning out my garage a couple of weeks ago and found some rings, one of which was about 2 inches in diameter. On a whim, I put it on to see if it made a difference. As it happened, I went on a weekend camp-out at a nudist resort here, and wore it much of the time. My pubic hair concealed it from public view, although at this particular resort, it would have been tolerated if it were visible.Result: it did what my friend claimed. It wasn't as marked on my body as it was on his, because his scrotum was larger than mine, but it definitely got the testicles more out of the way when I was sitting. Erotic effect: zero. Pleasure effect: almost nil, although I did feel it, and liked the small difference it made, simply because it was different than the usual sensation. Much like wearing contact lenses or a watch, it's something you feel but don't notice it once the novelty wears off.

BTW, I'm wearing the ring right now. And I'm home, and not in a position to send sexual signals to anybody right now. But it does make sitting more comfortable. But there's so much variation in the size and hang of the scrotum that I would never claim that it's for everybody. When you tell the world, be sure to include that remark.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I do admit that in most cases, a man wearing a simple cock ring is calling attention to his penis. In my previous remarks, I said that I would try to persuade that person that his cock ring is out of place on a normal nude beach or resort.I also pointed out that a simple cock-and-ball ring can also be worn as not a sexual signaling device but a means of comfort. And I have gone so far as to test that theory and have found it valid. So I'm going to make allowances for that.

Woodsman, all I want to know is how you tell the difference?

Answer that honestly and you might just change my mind. Dont say ask them because as we know people lie about their motives.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I do admit that in most cases, a man wearing a simple cock ring is calling attention to his penis. In my previous remarks, I said that I would try to persuade that person that his cock ring is out of place on a normal nude beach or resort.I also pointed out that a simple cock-and-ball ring can also be worn as not a sexual signaling device but a means of comfort. And I have gone so far as to test that theory and have found it valid. So I'm going to make allowances for that.Woodsman, all I want to know is how you tell the difference?Answer that honestly and you might just change my mind. Dont say ask them because as we know people lie about their motives.

The honest answer is that I can't, any more than I can ask somebody if they're an exhibitionist or a voyeur and always expect to get an honest answer. I don't have any idea of what's going on in their heads. I just have to evaluate them on their behavior, and try not to jump to conclusions. If they're wearing ornate genital jewelry, I'm probably going to assume that they're sending out sexual signals, just like you would. If it's a simple cock-and-balls ring, I'm probably not going to assume that. If it's non-genital ornamentation, like earrings or studs or finger rings or lipstick or eye shadow, I'm going to assume than the wearer likes wearing that sort of thing.

As for changing minds, I don't expect to change anybody's mind about anything. I'm just asking folks to understand where I'm coming from, and what the local rules are for that sort of thing. That's all.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

like earrings or studs or finger rings or lipstick or eye shadow, I'm going to assume than the wearer likes wearing that sort of thing.

Woodsman, none of these things are sold as a sex aid from sex shops. A simple cock and ball ring, is.

So when the rest of the world sees you or one of your trussed up friends youll understand how the world views your behaviour as a nudist. But as always, the rest of the world is wrong because you are wearing it for non sexual purposes. We all just non our head and sarcastically say, of course you are.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

This is the part of this whole thread that just boggles my mind. The attitude that rest of the world be dammed this is how I see it so it is right and truth and fact.
But as always, the rest of the world is wrong because you are wearing it for non sexual purposes. We all just non our head and sarcastically say, of course you are.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Woodsman, none of these things are sold as a sex aid from sex shops. A simple cock and ball ring, is.

Actually, the ring I was describing earlier was one I got at my local hardware store.

But I see your point. Ears and fingers and toes and lips are not sexualized in our culture. (Although in times past, things like bare shoulders or ankles could raise a tizzy.) Cocks and nipples and labia are. So, in our culture, these things should not bear adornments, and some people are going to get their knickers in a twist if they encounter such things.

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