RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

StevieLorna- you have every right to your opinion.. I'm not denying you that.. but respect others opinions as well. Simple as that. It's when others force their opinions onto others without hearing or listening to opposing viewpoints, that's when the problem starts.

TN has been debating cock rings and other adornments for over a decade, Ive heard many opinions but I dont have to respect them all, no one does. Ill listen to opinion, but if I think someone is lying about their intentions I will call it out. I wont respect it.

My view has always been, what people choose to wear is their business, how I choose to interpret their reasons for doing so, is my business. When it becomes a topic for discussion we can exchange opinions

I look at it like this, explaining what naturism is to a textile is sometimes quite difficult, they have a hard time removing the sex from nudity, then a guy with so much metal at his core he creates his own gravity well walks past. Expecting them to see naturism as normal just became a hundred times more difficult.

You see it as just jewellery, other see it as you spoiling something they enjoy for your own personal gratification. But dont worry about that, naturism is dying because people wont change, (sic)

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

If we worried more about the big things in life and less about the small things this world would be a better place. If you don't like it just move on, trust me, you'll still wake up tomorrow.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

StevieLorna wrote:

Woodsman. This is a rare and unusual woman, Id like to meet her. I dont know of any other woman who would react quite like that. I know plenty of women who would have a very different and more violent reaction to a naked man with an erection sitting close enough that the kids notice. I wonder if the father thought that it was nothing to worry about too.

I can't speak to that, because the woman was unaccompanied by another adult at that time. She had two children there.

On another thread, I said that in over two decades of visiting nude beaches and resorts Id never once seen a guy with an erection, I remember well that you with your much longer experience also said youd never seen a guy with one.

I've never seen one at a nude beach. I've seen on on a man at a naturist resort. He was sleeping at the time.

I can well imagine that if you've been to nude beaches and resorts where erections were frowned on and discouraged, you wouldn't have seen one. But I should add that I dropped out of the nudist scene for a long time and had only sporadic contact until last year.

I assume then, that this woman was a story that was told to you rather that first hand experience.

In this case, it was a woman telling the story to me. We met at a folk festival in 2013, swimming in the clothing-optional part of the river adjacent to the festival grounds. (This was one of those sporadic times.) I can't remember how the subject came up, but I gathered that the incident she was talking about occurred at one of the three or four nude beaches here in Northern California, and that the man in question was just walking along the beach or talking with friends, and not calling attention to his condition in any way. Had it been otherwise, I doubt that she would have reacted to it in the same way.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Instead of saying jewelry is sexual and projecting your own insecurities on everyone else, stop looking at someone's self-expression and sexualizing it? Mind your own damn business and let people exist.
I am minding my business I shared my opinion the fact that you dont like it wont change that neither will you conflation of not sexualizing the whole human body which is a container for a whole person human being and sexualizing a body part that has a sexual function with a sexual device that has a sexual function. And through stupid boomer comments into that to suggest this is about age. Have you noticed how many old guys on this site profess to very genital jewelry.

Oh by the what exactly is it that you ex pressing with your com ring wearing that I am stifling by sharing my opinion? What does is say to the world that you are expressing?
Do share!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

clothesfreehome-- your "opinion" is more of an accusation that anyone that wears a cock ring or penis ring is wearing it for sexual pleasure. You have a right to your opinion.. no doubt, but throwing around the accusation that cock jewelry is solely for sexual purposes is high inaccurate. Do cock rings serve a purpose for sex, Yes. They help men maintain erections during sex.. but do other men wear it just as a piece of jewelry.. YES also. Do you condemn women's genital piercings and nipple piercing as well leading to the decline in nudist acceptance.. ?? How many men have you meet wearing cock rings or penis rings, socially, and asked them why they desire to wear such things..? Maybe they could educate you a bit more about it. Your emphasis on blaming men's desire for genital adornment and the decreasing of nudist acceptance holds no merit at all. Again, opinions are acceptable but judgement of others is not.

Not sure if you are addressing this to me cause that is not my username but on the off chance that you are all I can say is if you receive my opinion as a accusation that on you. I only have shared facts every definition and description of the use of cock rings is as a sexual device. What you are asking me or the average person who might venture on the a nude beach and see a guy walking around with cock to do it put aside every observed pattern and description of the usage of cock rings and go ask some guy why he wears one. Really?

You whataboutism is fascinating since the thread is not about women so I will not address it.
Finally if you want the fact and references for my belief that men who sexualize social nudity you must first attempt to stop throwing around opposite opinions without any proof or references.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I am minding my business I shared my opinion the fact that you dont like it wont change that neither will you conflation of not sexualizing the whole human body which is a container for a whole person human being and sexualizing a body part that has a sexual function with a sexual device that has a sexual function. And through stupid boomer comments into that to suggest this is about age. Have you noticed how many old guys on this site profess to very genital jewelry.Oh by the what exactly is it that you ex pressing with your com ring wearing that I am stifling by sharing my opinion? What does is say to the world that you are expressing?Do share!

The hilarious thing about this word salad is that you're an "editor".

To answer your question, what am I expressing? About the same thing I express when I decide to wear a blue shirt instead of a red one; I like the way this looks and I choose to wear it.

I only have shared facts every definition and description of the use of cock rings is as a sexual device.

Subjective Opinion != Fact

You are so easily pressed. Can't wait for your next circular argument you'll use to try to standardize your narrow and obsolete perceptions.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Red shirt blue shirt is irrelevant.

Its a matter of perception. Every single man on the planet wears a shirt.

Only a microscopic number wear cock rings.

A shirt doesnt cover a what as seen by most as a sex organ

A cock ring does

A shirt is worn for warmth, protection from the sun and occasionally, modesty.

A cock ring does none of those things.

I believe a cock rings primary function is to, shout, hay everybody, have you seen my dick?

Which on a nude beach, is a very silly thing to do.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

The hilarious thing about this word salad is that you're an "editor".To answer your question, what am I expressing? About the same thing I express when I decide to wear a blue shirt instead of a red one; I like the way this looks and I choose to wear it.You are so easily pressed. Can't wait for your next circular argument you'll use to try to standardize your narrow and obsolete perceptions.

I am easily pressed? Who is the one who cant help but try to diminish my opinion by not address the point but instead projecting personal put downs. You ignore all the stuff I have posted with or the actual statements made by talking about word salads etc maybe it is just too much depth. Sorry I didnt break it down more. But I digress. Where is you proof of obsolescence? What facts are you bringing to the table about men wearing cock rings in social nudism that suggests it is acceptable and in vogue.

Now here's my editorial eye for you. Please explain how a person perspective can become obsolete? You know what is really sad about your weak attempt at a response. If you actually had a good point to make. Or any reasonable point at all. Your red shirt blue shirt silliness isn't even worth a response. Any thinking person knows that doesnt hold water. But anyway if you did have a point you would have made it but since you dont you resort to mud slinging. Rest assured though this is a pattern that is very common among those who believe as you. Your effort to gaslight will not work with me. Thomas Gray in his poem Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1742) says "Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise" enjoy your state of bliss while wearing your cock ring.

This post was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

I think if one persons get rejected from attending a club for whatever reason he might project the death of naturism rather than accept hes just not they type of person the club is willing to engage with.

To this person, its easy to call troll, to people who dont share his views.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Yeah I saw that happen a couple yes back when someone posted on here that my resort/club was no longer accepting single men at a time when I and others who were single men were active there. It is a type of gaslighting that is very prominent online in nudism.

It is also a good way to diminish other perspective because it creates a narrative that requires no evidence beyond an individual saying it is so. Something really popular in society today.

This post was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago