I did better then flagging. I reported directly to tt2 but nothing will be done. She is not obviously not interested. It seems that you can remain and do whatever you want and be whatever you want to be just so long as you are certified and a paid lifetime member.
- 2 years ago
I did better then flagging. I reported directly to tt2 but nothing will be done. She is not obviously not interested. It seems that you can remain and do whatever you want and be whatever you want to be just so long as you are certified and a paid lifetime member.
The last time I reported a profile to TT2 for flagrant violations of the media policy, within 24 hours, the reported profile had blocked me, the offending photo and many more were still there. Cliques, they exist.
John aka cobeachbum
- 2 years ago
This is from another member who has been here 6 months:
" A guy that loves having sex and able to pay me whenever he wants to have sex. Please if you dont have your payment ready dont bother hitting me up nicolehenderson801@gmail.com that my Skype"
More proof of what this site has become - a sex site that has nothing to do with real nudism.
- 2 years ago
I'd thought of that myself. If she continues to contribute to the site in a non-sexual way, and doesn't plug all those other sites here, I think she has a place in it. There are probably a lot of people on the site with religious or political views or occupations I don't relate to. It's a question of how big we want this tent to be. Can a person be a sex worker and also be a nudist?
And when we get to trying to define what a "sex worker" is, it gets really sticky. Is a stripper a sex worker? Is a writer or editor of erotica? Is a professional nude model? Is an actor or director or producer of a blue movie? And is it possible for them to have a job doing what they do and still fit into a nudist scene, as long as they keep the two separate?
I would grant that a person who has some of this more suspect activity going on outside the site should warrant closer attention and, if they attempt to solicit for their wares on this site, they should be bounced. We shouldn't count on the moderators to do that, though. It should be a social ostracism, with people calling them out every time they do it.
- 2 years ago
I would grant that a person who has some of this more suspect activity going on outside the site should warrant closer attention and, if they attempt to solicit for their wares on this site, they should be bounced. We shouldn't count on the moderators to do that, though. It should be a social ostracism, with people calling them out every time they do it.
Many people with a conscious will have a problem with someone who does porn videos with titles such as "Stepmother seduced her stepson into anal sex", or "I just wanted to jerk off to my stepson, but he put his dick in my mouth and fucked me", or "I helped my stepson cum". Some people have a problem with incest or with sex with children. Others have no problems with anything and do not care if a person is the most deviant person alive. You can also be certain about 'passive' advertising as the person in question here has the exact same name as used in all of the porn videos and other solicitation sites. Of course no one will have time to say much of anything further about this topic because they most likely are far too busy watching all of the porn videos. There will be no social ostracism here because there are far too many sex maniacs and creeps who want nothing other then sex and porn here. No wonder so many of the 'good' and 'real' nudists have already left the site.
- 2 years ago
Anna Great Photo! Very Nice My Friend!
- a year ago