What a morning

The last two days have been a nerve wracking experience for us. Our dog Dottie, a 15 year old male Cairin Terrier Mix has been experiencing vomiting, shaking, loss of appetite and lack of sleep due to what was diagnosed as Cushing Disease. Him and I spent 4 hours at the Vet Hospital and 1 hour at the Urgent Clinic this morning due to many animals needing care. He was eventually given a blood test and antiemetic shot. Were to give him one antiemetic pill every 24 hours for a week and told to feed him boiled chicken and white rice gradually getting him back to his normal feedings. Like all of mans best friends hes worth the long wait, the 5 hours of sitting in an ex amining room and $466 costs.

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RE:What a morning

Im so sorry about your doggie sickness. My parents dog was diagnosed with Cushings disease. She was 16. Its crazy how animals can get the same diseases people get and the expense to take care of them. I have a dog that has diabetes and he has to have diabetic food and gets insulin shots twice a day. He has since gone blind but hes still a happy dog. Hes 13. Ive seen your doggie in your pics, such a cutie!!!! Sending you hugs my dear friends.

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RE:What a morning

Our last girl also had cushings and we eventually had to spare her from suffering any longer :-(

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