Pushing the boundaries at the People's Choice Awards

It may be a very small step, but it was a step none the less. At the 2022 People's Choice Awards, Olivia Wilde went on stage to receive an award in a sheer dress that clearly showed her nipples. When she was first announced, the censors whited out the whole screen leaving viewers confused what was going on. Then they just ran the video feed without any censoring. While we can all be sure there were some in the national audience who found this offensive or arousing, I found it a proud moment for our cause. I'm not suggesting Olivia Wilde is a naturist or anything, but she is obviously a strong woman who is comfortable with herself. She gave her acceptance speech without reservation in front of a national viewing audience. I also have to give a round of applause for the censors who finally got it right and let the video feed go unaltered. I hope there is no backlash against them from those in power who find the human body offensive. I felt pride in the small victory in acceptance of the human body and letting it be seen. It wasn't offensive or sexual and I don't think any children were harmed. So, thank you Olivia Wilde for being yourself and the censors for allowing it.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Pushing the boundaries at the People's Choice Awards

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