abusive users
i joined here three weeks ago , my first time on a nudist site so naturally i would like to look around and see how the site works before deciding if it is for me nor not,
today in the chatroom i asked a question about the usability of it due to present lag and about a server issue , the following in a copy of transcript including posts addressed to me by littlebigman,
i fear the site is somewhat unusable ,what is wrong with the chatroom ? every day now i see a pop up stating a new server is been installed ,how long will that take ?............................
Litlbigman....george757Well, George, I see you aren't certified or paid, so I suppose you're enjoying the free ride on here... and you have the gall to complain? Really? If you don't like it, move on...........
george757... Litlbigman i will see how it is here before i part with my good money, insulting people is a sure fire way to drive prospective members away ,thank you very much...................
Litlbigmangeorge757Your complaint surely doesn't make you a very prospective customer... and you insulted the site and the many paid members here first...
a.. i did not insult anyone including site , certified and paid members
b...is this how a person is treated on here ?
c... is this how a certified and paid member represents the views and opinions of truenudists.com ?
- 2 years ago