Hoping I've started something good!

Here in the UK nudism is legal in public but not something you'd normally see, and to be honest I don't go out my way to make a point of it. Today I was asked to drive my brother home from my moms house, so I did. When I was on my own way home the night drawing in I thought even though the weather is very cold [-4*C] should I strip off and drive the rest of the way home nude! So I found a quite spot and stripped off putting my clothes in the rear of the car. I proceeded to drive home and while driving through town I had to stop at some traffic lights. A woman walked round the blind bend to the front of my car and looked at me seeing my naked chest area through the windscreen. I was not ready for that! The lights were still on red so I had to just wait, but the woman had other ideas, like she pulled on the passengers door outer handle to open the door, but the door was locked. I decided to depress the release button and let her open the door to see what she would say, but to my surprise she got in the car. She shut the door behind her. I did not feel out of place, nor embarrased or nervous, I just felt myself, carm, relaxed and feeling happy that I could sit there naked with a woman besides me that I'd never before seen. The lady looked at me about three times before she said to me, are you a nudist! and I replied yes. Obviously by this time I've driven off from the red traffic lights and we have stopped further up the road and started chatting. I explained to her that I felt very relaxed and was happy to be nude with women around me, and she then told me a story about her experiences nude in public and said how she felt so relaxed and free. We spoke a while and I drove her to her home and she gave me her phone number and said I could ring her if I wanted to see her again. Yes I advised that I would love to ring her and see her again. I did not get sexually arosed at any point even when I held her in my arms and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. I hope she tells her girlfriends about me and the next time I visit her I'll be able to be naked with her and her friends. Life is too damn short for being locked up in your clothes and never being allowed to be yourself. I see no problems at all being around the opposite sex naked by agreement, and if sexual activities come into it then so long as its by agreement and not involving the art of nature and nudism then surely that should be a nomal part of life shouldn't it!

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RE:Hoping I've started something good!

Here in the UK nudism is legal in public but not something you'd normally see, and to be honest I don't go out my way to make a point of it. Today I was asked to drive my brother home from my moms house, so I did. When I was on my own way home the night drawing in I thought even though the weather is very cold [-4*C] should I strip off and drive the rest of the way home nude! So I found a quite spot and stripped off putting my clothes in the rear of the car. I proceeded to drive home and while driving through town I had to stop at some traffic lights. A woman walked round the blind bend to the front of my car and looked at me seeing my naked chest area through the windscreen. I was not ready for that! The lights were still on red so I had to just wait, but the woman had other ideas, like she pulled on the passengers door outer handle to open the door, but the door was locked. I decided to depress the release button and let her open the door to see what she would say, but to my surprise she got in the car. She shut the door behind her. I did not feel out of place, nor embarrased or nervous, I just felt myself, carm, relaxed and feeling happy that I could sit there naked with a woman besides me that I'd never before seen. The lady looked at me about three times before she said to me, are you a nudist! and I replied yes. Obviously by this time I've driven off from the red traffic lights and we have stopped further up the road and started chatting. I explained to her that I felt very relaxed and was happy to be nude with women around me, and she then told me a story about her experiences nude in public and said how she felt so relaxed and free. We spoke a while and I drove her to her home and she gave me her phone number and said I could ring her if I wanted to see her again. Yes I advised that I would love to ring her and see her again. I did not get sexually arosed at any point even when I held her in my arms and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. I hope she tells her girlfriends about me and the next time I visit her I'll be able to be naked with her and her friends. Life is too damn short for being locked up in your clothes and never being allowed to be yourself. I see no problems at all being around the opposite sex naked by agreement, and if sexual activities come into it then so long as its by agreement and not involving the art of nature and nudism then surely that should be a nomal part of life shouldn't it!

That happens all the time when I drive nude, I usually have to hit them on the head with a shovel to get rid of them.

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