Venting by posting the same thing on multiple topics

Not sure why anyone thinks that posting their complaints to multiple forum topics will serve to resolve their problem. It poor forum etiquette and doesnt really guarantee anything but the potential ire of the original posters of topics. Why not go straight to the source the admins who have the ability to respond or post one new topic and keep boosting to the top to maintain visibility.

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RE:Venting by posting the same thing on multiple topics

Its seem quite desperate.

Others have made similar complaints, the mods are still in place.

Either all the banned guys are not giving the full story or TN doesnt care what their mods do.

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RE:Venting by posting the same thing on multiple topics

Its seem quite desperate.Others have made similar complaints, the mods are still in place.Either all the banned guys are not giving the full story or TN doesnt care what their mods do.

Good assessment of the situation I believe. The mods are the mods seems there is nothing more to be said or done.

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RE:Venting by posting the same thing on multiple topics

Not sure why anyone thinks that posting their complaints to multiple forum topics will serve to resolve their problem. It poor forum etiquette and doesnt really guarantee anything but the potential ire of the original posters of topics. Why not go straight to the source the admins who have the ability to respond or post one new topic and keep boosting to the top to maintain visibility.

Probably would have made more sense t just post it once in a logical place and contact the administrators, even though they are not resposive.

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