Naturism as opposed to Nudism

The difference between Naturism and Nudism was brought up to me recently in reference to this group. As the title of the group states, this is a place for self-identified nudists to promote naturism. It's for nudists because this is a website for nudists. It's meant for people who want to promote Naturism because I believe Naturism is a philosophy that everybody is not only capable of accepting but should accept for the betterment of humanity.
The practice of my naturist philosophy includes as much nudism as I can muster. It's not something everybody needs to do all the time. The entire scope of my beliefs include an end to patriarchy, gender and racial equality, the discipline of sexuality, an end to eating disorders, and so on. Social nudity is an important part of that philosophy. It's a visible sign of the acceptance of one's body and the bodies of others. It's not something that can be practiced all the time year round in many parts of the world. I do not wish to impose nudity on anybody. I think to be a naturist one must be nude in similar company at least once in a lifetime as an act of solidarity. If that takes a person 30, 40, 50 years to do, so be it. I have been a gymnophobe myself. I know how hard it can be. I'm not interested in stressing people out. Neither do I think it's acceptable for non-nudists to impose textilism. If seeing a nude person makes a gymnophobe uncomfortable, overcoming those feelings is going to be the first step in his development. If he wants to avoid making that step he will have to avoid nude people, not the other way around.
I have no problem with a naturist being nude with his peers once in his life and then being clothed until the day he dies. Neither do I have a problem with people who want to be nude all the time. I will bury you nude. Anybody who wants to join this group should be as accepting.

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