About my first trip to Gunnison on May 28

I thought I'd write about my first experience at Gunnison. I live in Maryland so the drive was 6 hours. I left at 2:30 AM got lost in Jersey twiceand arrived at Gunnison Parking at 9:30. Ten dollars at the gate, no trafick, I drive in, instantly theres a cop behind me who looks like he would love to pull me over, I drive a bright yellow hot rod, so the attention is nothing new. I pull into the second or third lot and cut it off right away, he's right on my but all the way. When he pulls up behind me and stops I give him an annoyed look and he circles around and leaves. Yay, welcome to the beach!

I brought my bike with me, so before I hit the beach, I took a ride around theplace. It was a nice ride and the trails are lovely. Beware the sand flys can be really bad inland, bring some real bug spray! They are much worse here then at Assateque. As I rode around I noticed I was recieving alot of attention from the police , again! Ok its the long hair, right?

So I rode around for about 3 hours looking and just taking my time and enjoying the day. It's about80 with a steady strongbreeze. I'm glad I have the bike to get around on. So I start looking for the beach, takes 3 trys and then I found it. I betalot of people remember seeing me, I was the guy pushing the bike all over the beach, hat , sweet shirt, yeah that was me! So I don't want to invade anyones space so I look for a nice spot down the beach. Yep, this is why I'm here,I watch people strolling on the beach,the birds, the surf, a naked couple has just caught a large fish, a gay guy in a speedo is is lurking near by. What ever, I'm naked on the beach and everywhere around me people are enjoying thier freedom and life is good. I'm tired and fall asleep. the sun and the breeze are awsome. Excuse Me! I hear, its the cops again!, my fault this time, I'm laying in the spot they need to drive on. They tell me its ok, just go lay over where everybody else is.

I come to the beach for peace and quite so I walk all the way over to the other side off the beach, pushing my bike which has now become like an anchor in the sand, fully dressed and scorned by the many naked eyes that are upon me! I go passed the nude area about a quarter mile whereabsolutely no one isand start to relax again. The breeze is now blowing really hard so the clothing is working for me. I comb the beach for an hour, talk on the phone, and get some good thinking done. I'm really far sighted. I spy down the beach, I'm being watched again, this time threw binoculars, yes I can really see that far! I go back to my combing and chating, look up a couple minutes later and here they come charging down the beach from the other direction, they're right on top of me before I notice them as they pull up glaring at me like we gonna get ya! Like jeez fellas , WTF?

So I've driven 300 hundred miles here for the freedom I can't have on Assateque, But I've never been followed around like this on Assateque atleast. But atleast they can't arrest me for being naked and thats why I'm really here! The breeze is now blowing really hard andits very uncomfortable by the water, the crowd is thinning out. I pick a spot by the dunes in between some other people about a hundred feet away on either side. I'm setting up my umbrella, turn around, oh Hello Mr. Officer! These guys are marking a B line right at me, I smile, stare and wave as they pull up, they stare back then continue on.

Seems I've chosen the gay part of the beach, no matter. The sand is warm and the breeze just right here, I enjoyed it very much. Later in the afternoon the crowdthinned out and changed, I noticed many gawkers and pervs and textiles about,no matter, they don'tknow me. Everybody takes that nude walk on the beach, my turn. I'm walking towards thewater and pass some textile, and this jerk says something semi offensive I didn't really catch all of it, concerning my junk hanging out. I called back to him to get the fuck off the nude beach if he didn't like it. After that I had a nice walk, but it was cut short by the intense wind. Now other people are arriving and several take up spots close by me. Gay couple behind a wind screen on one side, straight couple on the other, more pervs are collecting to the south. One guy is masterbating in plane sight, nice. I think all the cops have gone for the day. I hated to cut the day short but it was getting colder anyway. I ride back to my car and load my bike in and turn around, Oh Hello Officer, here to see me off?!!! Obviously I was the center of his attention, Gosh and to think I was concerned about my safety being alone thisfar from home!

So anyway, I observed the people on the beach that day andI think next time I'm going to go ahead and sit with the people between the volleyball net and the water. They seem like the most wholesome and friendly group. I suspect most are regulars and there seemed to be alot of people who knew each other.

I'm planing to organize a trip next month with some friends who want to try it!

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RE: About my first trip to Gunnison on May 28

Just remain nice to the Park Rangers, because any offense is a Federal one, and you have to appear in Military Court. (Traffic offenses also)
You're correct, the area between the volley ball court and the water is the nicest area, and after 4 PM there's no parking charge, so a lot of riff-raff shows up.

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RE: About my first trip to Gunnison on May 28

Just a post note, now that I've been to Gunnison a couple times I'm glad to see the strong ranger presense on the beach. It is needed and does make me feel safer plus the rangers are very friendly.

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