RE:January 28, 2023Hope you have a great turnout - wish I could be there.
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RE:January 28, 2023Count me in -- sounds great!
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RE:January 28, 2023If anyone in the Richmond area wants to come up....I have another friend who is hoping to meet up with someone and share a ride. Be good to have company on that trip, even if it's only 1.5-2 hours. Let me know and I'll pass it along.
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RE:January 28, 2023I am going to find out what this is. I am going! Please message me and let me know what I can expect.
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RE:January 28, 2023Less than a week away. Got an email today from Groupon showing a deal of $27.72. Thats a nice discount. Take advantage while you can. Looking forward to seeing all the guys who show up.
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RE:January 28, 2023Adding it to my calendar now, coming from York, PA
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