Can we have too much nude time?

Like many on here in TN, if I had the opportunity to live nude and keep all of my current lifestyle, then I would. Well that's how I always have felt and now with our youngest in a care facility for a few weeks I have taken the opportunity to be nude as much as I can and for as long as I can.

But last night as I cooked our dinner nude at our BBQ on the patio, my wife quipped "too much of a good thing" - implying that if I am nude all the time that something special about being nude may be lost.

I started thinking that perhaps there is something special about being nude that is brought about by the periods of time that we are clothed. I know that my current part time work doing deliveries definitely derives this feeling; those high-viz shirts just don't breathe and with 30c days here in Brisbane there is nothing better than driving home nude (after the last delivery) and jumping in our pool when I get home.

Many of you may have a similar situation that necessitates being clothed, and being nude afterwards is even more rewarding than those days when you simply wake nude and get through the daily stuff while being nude.

I have a three week period all up to see just how much nude time I can achieve and to see if the special feeling does get lost.

Would love to hear from others and their experiences.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

Never too much nude time. I have been nude for a solid week once. It was a real bummer when I had to put on clothes to leave the resort. Someday I hope to move to a place where naked is more normal than clothed. Dream!

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

the Answer too much time i naked a big NO

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

I started to spend time naked as a kid. I was "sneaking around" my parents, so my time was limited (a few hours). When I moved out alone, I was still alone but could spend a day or two naked. Eventually, I got myself to clubs and events with other people. Initially, these were just one day but grew into 2 and up to 4 days. Due to the pandemic and working from home, I can spend weeks naked.

I remember or feel from my progression that there was more of a novelty or maybe attention to being naked when my time was limited. Even after I started going places where other people were naked like me, I felt like it was still a bit of a novelty. I remember from those day visits that the feeling of being naked helped me open up more. I am introverted, and just getting out of my clothes around other people I don't know helped me feel less shy. But just before the pandemic, I had a small part-time job at a club that meant I was there every weekend. I remember feeling shy after a while. But I didn't feel like I was taking a step back; I felt like I was becoming more accustomed to who I am and how I was most comfortable. Now where I spend weeks naked, it's really just who I am or what I wear (or don't). I feel like becuase of that; I am more comfortable and able to appreciate it more becuase it isn't as much of a novelty or unique state of being. I am not distracted in any way by it; I don't feel like my personality changes too drastically, although the shyness seems to have subsided.

In short, I don't think there is too much naked time. But as a devil's advocate, the one exception would be if you're not taking care of yourself or getting out to do things you are supposed to do just to stay naked.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

If nudism and naturism are thought of as strictly getting naked then I suspect the matter of time spent has a great deal of import whether it is too much or too little.
However IMO if it is viewed as a way of life of practice then the focus on th amount of time starts to diminish because being clothes free moves from extra ordinary to ordinary.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

Yes we can have too much nude time. This is the case when we prefer to be naked (alone) instead of caring about our (textile) friends and (textile) loved ones.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

Very good point being naked should best everything else in life
Yes we can have too much nude time. This is the case when we prefer to be naked (alone) instead of caring about our (textile) friends and (textile) loved ones.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

Can never have too much nude time.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

I wonder about the reverse. I would like to be nude for a week or a substantial length of time at a resort for nudists. Then to get dressed and return home, I am curious how being clothed again would feel.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

I dont know to what extent I reach as a full time nudist as its not practical for me. As a potential answer to the post I can say that Ive been nude for just over 4 days at my resort and it did feel a little different to put on a pair of shorts for the trip back home. Its just part of the deal. But something to remember is that to truly appreciate a great steak, you must eat a lot of adequate ones along the way. I think the same analogy applies to being nude, you cant fully appreciate it until you after you have shed your clothes of the day and bask in your skin. It makes the aaahhhhhh so much better.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Can we have too much nude time?

I wonder about the reverse. I would like to be nude for a week or a substantial length of time at a resort for nudists. Then to get dressed and return home, I am curious how being clothed again would feel.

Never been nude for more than 3 nights and 2 days, so I can't say. I do know that after being shirtless for several days, wearing one doesn't feel comfortable.
I went more than 4 months without wearing long pants in the summer of 2020.
It felt very strange and confining when I put on a pair in September.

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  • 2 years ago