Any interest in a nude wrestling group in FTL
Hey guys! I used to run a nude wrestling group in DC. Have moved down here, and hope to restart it. Is there anyone interested in participating? Purely non sexual, but what you do after the match is your business.
I was thinking of asking Leatherworks or the Eagle or Club FTL if they'd be interested in hosting us. It's hard to find someone who has a room large enough for a professional wrestling mat.
If we held our meets early in the evening when those places are normally slow, they could advertise it as an attraction and may get a small crowd of guys who would want to watch our meets.
Win-win .
Anyone have a contact at any of those places? Scott
- 2 years ago
That sounds great!
- 2 years ago
Wish I lived in FTL. That definitely would be a lot of fun!
- 2 years ago
I would love to give it a try, hopefully you can set something up!
- 2 years ago
- 2 years ago