If you watch the media section of this group you see that all women are beautiful regardless of the size of their breasts. It's a problem of self-confidence if women don't like the size of their breasts or men the size of their penis. Boob jobs are no solution. Bigger breasts make no greater self-confidence. Look around at the nudist beach, the sauna or the nudist resort. It's the satisfaction with your body which makes you beautiful. Your natural body belongs to you.
I'm glad to hear that you are still
Fortable with your body after gaing weght. I have gained weight lately too. I have started exercising/physical therapy nude to get use to seeing and loving the difference in my body. I started taking some photos of my workout today.
As nudists and with the internet, we have all seen thousands of boobs, I like pretty much all of them. Have been lucky enough to get to feel quite a few too and have never found any I didn't like, big or small, it's the person that's important. I've never felt any fake ones, I'd like to to know what they are like but from other comments here, they can be hard and not inviting. So I say keep m all natural, I will be telling my partner that again.